Over the Edge

16 5 1

The sobs come first. 



Making his whole body shake. 


He stuffs his fist in his mouth 

Turns his head from the stares 

Clamps his hands over his ears, 

But there's no escape. 


He couldn't hold it back 

Not anymore. 

Not with this. 

This, these words I've said.


Over the edge 

Once again


I'm here, watching. 

My lips twisted 

In some cruel smile 

Watching him forced to tears again. 


I can here myself speaking 



Nobody likes you 

Digging the words into his skin. 


I'm surrounded by "friends" 



Pretending to agree with what I say

(And who knows? Maybe they do.) 


Over the edge 

Once again 


And inside I'm screaming 

Dragging at myself. 

Begging me to stop. 

But I can't. 


I've woken the monster. 

No, I am the monster. 

Taking pleasure in other's pain. 

Sinning for attention. 


It's an addiction. 

The crowds 

The laughter. 

The way he crumples beneath my words. 


Over the edge 

Again and again


And at night, I lay awake and wonder 

What happened to the girl I was? 

Where did she go? 

When did the monster take over? 


And I always swear I'll change. 

Make things right. 


Beat back the thing that I've become. 


But every day I go to school 

And see my followers 

And see him too. 

And I can't fight the urge to tear him down. 

To feel that power 

To know I'm in charge. 

To somehow fill the aching hole inside. 


Over the edge 


And again

And again.

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