Chapter 1

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"Australia" I exclaimed.
"Yes girls, you three have been chosen to work out in Sydney, Australia" Claire replied.
"But why us?" Jess asked
"You three have been working extremely hard and we thought this could be your reward, your all young and your not tied down with families so now would be the perfect time to go."

I sat there speechless, I loved living so close to my family and I couldn't imagine living in a different country to them. Jess seemed so excited and was practically running out of the door to pack her bags as was Lou. I. However was the more sensible one and took things like this into consideration.

"You will leave in three days and..."
"Three days!!" I chocked!
"...yes three, we have bought you an apartment to share between the three of you. It is right on the beach, so the view will be spectacular." Claire continued,
"What beach?" I piped up again,
"Bondi" Claire replied with a smile.

Well I sure know a lot about Bondi beach, I love the show Bondi Rescue and have been watching it ever since I went when I was 7.

"I know you girls are very quizzical so here is an information pack for you and your tickets." She slid them over and we picked them up. "Okay that's all thank you girls if you have any questions please feel free to call me."

The three of us stood and said nothing to each other, we were speechless, and if you knew us three it was hard to get us to all be quite at the same time. We said our goodbyes and made our way home. Jess and Lou seemed genuinely happy about the thought if living in Australia and trust me I was to, I was just going to miss my family.

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