Chapter 17

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**jesse pov**

I went in the ambulance with Jess and I held her hand all the way. She had lots of tubes coming out of her mouth and arms. Why would she do this i don't understand. I thought she was happy. Maxi and Lottie were following behind and meeting me at the hospital. When we got there they rushed Jess off and all the doctors were telling the others what had happened. I was left there stranded, they wouldn't let me go with her

"Where are you taking her? Is she okay?" I shouted as Jess was getting rushed away. I sat in the corridor and waited for maxi and Lottie, maybe they knew why she did it.

**lottie pov**

Me and maxi drove all the way to the hospital in silence. Neither one of us knew what to say so we didn't say anything at all. When we got to the hospital I saw Jesse sat with his head in his hands

"Jesse" I shouted, he stood up and looked at me with tear stained eyes. "Where is she?" I asked

"I don't know, they rushed her off and told me to wait her for any news." I sat next to Jesse and maxi and we sat there in silence. Half an hour later a nurse came looking for us.

"Mr Polock" she said

"Yes" Jesse croaked

"Miss Tanner, is in a stable condition, we understand she attempted to commit suicide. Do you know why? Or how?" The nurse spoke softly to Jesse

"No, I don't know anything. I thought she was happy. I don't understand" Jesse said before sobbing into Maxis shoulder. I couldn't take this anymore, I had to tell Jess and the nurse everything.

"Excuse me nurse" i said standing up "I know why and how" I spoke quietly

"What! Why didn't you tell me" Jesse said looking at me

"I'm sorry, she used to self harm, when we were younger, in secondary school. She did it to escape everything. She got bullied at school after her parents died together in a car crash. She was in it but survived. She then lived with me and my parents. Today was the tenth anniversary of her parents death and she was finding it hard to cope so she took and overdose." I said tears welling up in my eyes. Jesse sat there and said nothing.

"Right, thank you. Do you know how many she took?" The nurse asked sympathetically.

"I'm not.... Ouch. Oh my god. Ow! Ow! Ow!" I screamed in pain clutching my tummy. Maxi shot out of his seat

"What's wrong, Lottie, talk to me" he soothed

"My tummy hurts" I replied fighting back the tears.

"Come with me my dear" the nurse said holding out her hand. I slowly walked over and looked at the floor. It had a pool of blood right where I had been standing. I took small steps towards her. Then I couldn't see anything anymore my vision went blurry and I fell to the floor with a thud.

** Maxi pov **

I watched in horror as Lottie fell to the ground. The nurse got her on a bed and put her in a room.

"What's wrong with her!" I shouted after the nurse who had began to walk away

"We don't know, does she suffer from passing out a lot or does she have any medical history that could be related to this?" the nurse said

"No, nothing like that. she's pregnant though, is the baby okay?" I asked

"This could be the cause of it we'll keep you updated" she said before running off. I walked back to Jesse and sat down.

"I'm sorry dude" he said patting my back

"It's fine, it's not your fault" I said putting my head in my hands.

"I'm gonna see if there is any progress on Jess" Jesse said standing up.

I hope Lottie and our baby are okay

"Please let them be okay" i said.

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