Chapter 32

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Me and maxi were backstage at the tv studios

"You'll be fine babe" maxi said giving me a reassuring smile

"Lottie can you come with me there 60 seconds till we're live"

"You go I'll be here waiting for you" maxi said kissing me on the cheek

"3, 2, 1 live" the studio tech whispered

"Ladies and gentlemen, in our show tonight we have Miss Lottie Bonner. let's welcome her on" I felt a loud applause full the room as I walked on "hello my love how are you" the host began

"I'm very well thank you, yourself?" I asked politely

"Good good. your debut single is out tomorrow? is that correct"

"It sure is I'm so hyped" I said smiling

"I've heard it on the radio and its very good. who wrote it?"

"I did" I replied sheepishly

"Wow! that's talent. so you were discovers on YouTube, tell us about that"

"I was drunk at a party and my boyfriend uploaded it" I blushed a little

"So your off the market?"

"Yes" I said smiling

"Dish us the goss on the lucky fella"

"Well he's a Bondi lifeguard..." I began

"Omg which one!" the host shouted


"He's like my fave, so hot! omg lucky girl" he said fangirling

"I know I'm lucky to have him, love him to bits" I said with a smile

"Aw Hun. so what's he like?"

"Just like he is on telly, acting like a four year old, crazy a bit like a puppy" I said giggling

"He bought you a puppy didn't he. I saw on Instagram"

"Yeah, we named him Harvey, he's a brown Labrador"

"So when's the album out?" he asked

"End of the year, still recording now" I said smiling

"Ready to perform your song" he asked with a pleasant smile

"Sure" I said standing up and smoothing down my dress

"Ladies and gentlemen Miss Lottie Bonner and her brand new debut single" he shouted

When I came off stage maxi grabbed me in a hug and whispered in my ear "i love you" before kissing my lips. And we headed home.....

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