Chapter 14

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It had felt like a long day today, but all I had really done was a small photo shoot. It was about quarter to seven so I decided to go to Bondi and wait for maxi to finish his shift. I put on my bikini as I wanted to go for a quick swim before his shift was over. I walked past bacon who was sat in the blue rhino.

"Hey" I said sitting in the empty seat

"Hey" bacon replied less cheery as usual

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing' he replied

"Go on you can tell me bacon, I can tell your upset" I said giving him a concerned look

"My girlfriend left me, well actually I dumped her, I caught her cheating on me" he said trying to not sound upset, but it didn't work I could tell he was really upset

"Oh Bacon" I said opening my arms and hugging him tightly "it's her loss babe and she will realise and kick herself for cheating on an amazing guy like you"

"Thanks" bacon replied with a small smile.

"It will get better, and you'll get a nicer girlfriend and a prettier one too" I said patting his arm

"Well isn't this cosy" a female voice boomed from behind the rhino

"What do you want Simone?" Bacon asked anger building in his voice

"To see you" she said in the butter wouldn't melt in her mouth way

"You've seen me get lost now" bacon spat

"Yeah I've seen you, with another girl, scumbag!" She shouted

"Oi! Don't talk to him like that" I said standing up

"I can do whatever I want slut" she said, inches away from my body now

"Simone, you cheated on me, your the slut, get lost now. Lottie has a boyfriend anyway, were just good mates" bacon said defending me.

"Good mate, I've heard all that before. Lottie, oh that's a tarty name, tarty name for a tarty girl" she was miller meters away from me now. "What are you a prostitute?" She continued with a raised eyebrow.

"A model, a successful one too. That mascara you've managed to apply rubbishy to your scrawny eyes, she modelled for it. That dress is gucci isn't it, she's modelled for them too. And them shoes are kurt Geiger aren't they, lotties modelled for them in many occasions. She's worth 10 million of you. Get off the beach now, before I call the police" a masculine voice said from behind me. Maxi!

"Your a model!?" Simone asked "how? Your a fat ugly cow!" She spat at me. I walked up to her and looked her in the eyes, maxi was right, she had applied the mascara pretty bad.

"Who are you, you live. You don't exist, your a nobody. Get off the beach now, don't come near me, bacon or any of the lifeguards again" I said

"Or what?" She said cockily. God! She was a patronising cow! I slapped her, I realised I shouldn't have but she deserve it

"Or this will get ugly" I said raising my eyebrow at her. She said nothing else she staggered off the beach and then I turned to bacon

"Sorry" I said feeling bad for him

"Thank you" he said giving me a hug, I've wanted to slap her since I found out. Lemme get you a drink later, me, you and maxi can have a nice night out"

"Sure, that would be great, I'll be staying off the drink though" I said with a smile

"Why's that? My little best girl friend isn't pregnant is she?" Bacon said jokingly

"Haha, no I'm not, just on a new diet" I said smiling at bacon and giving maxi an oops look. I didn't like lying to bacon, but I wasn't ready to tell people yet.

"Thanks for standing up for me Maxi," I said turning round and kissing him on the cheek.

"No worries, I just hate people saying unkind things about you, because I know it gets to you. And I now I know not to cross you" maxi said chuckling

"Good, cause I'm a black belt and her face will be bright red for the next three days" I said laughing.

"Thanks for everything" said bacon "I'll pick you and maxi up at nine" bacon said with a smile

"There's that smile we have missed all day" said maxi

"Yeah. And it's thanks to you two." Bacon replied. Bacon then walked back up the beach to his car leaving me and maxi alone.

"I'm not crossing you!" Maxi said

"Good, you don't want to get on the wrong side of me. And don't even think of cheating on me or breaking my heart, cause you'll end up looking worse than Simone" I said sounding laid back but serious.

"I love you too much. And besides I wouldn't look at another girl when I have you and our baby" maxi said putting his arm around my waist.

And as the sun set me and maxi turned to each other and said

"I love you" before kissing gently on the lips

A/N. this is gonna sound random but this chapter will make sense later on! Thank you all so much for getting me to 500 reads! Big thanks to abistarxoxo and teambondirescuse for all there amazing help. Stay tuned for the build up of drama. Xxx

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