Chapter 13

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"Good morning beautiful" maxi said in his groggy morning voice

"Morning sexy" I replied rolling over an kissing him on the lips.

"Wanna cuppa?" He asked

"Sure, thanks" I replied sitting up. I checked my phone, nothing interesting on twitter. I checked my texts, I opened the one from my dad

'You'll be glad to hear that it's raining in England. Hope your having fun in Australia. Heard you have a new boyfriend? I hope I approve. Dad xxxx' I laughed to myself always the protective father.

'Australia is great thanks. Who told you about Maxi? Claire? Kate? Jess? Or Louise?. Lxxxx' I text back.

"Why you smiling" maxi said as he came back with two cups of tea.

"Dad knows about you, and wonders wether he will approve" I said laughing

"And will he?" Maxi asked sounding nervous

"Yes, I mean why wouldn't he?" I replied

"Your he's your daughter so if he didn't approve, then were kinda screwed" he said sounding worried

"I don't care if my dad didn't approve, he approved of William and looked how that turned out. I approve of you and that's all that matters" I said giving him a reassuring smile. My phone beeped and there was a text from dad

'None of the above, it's all over the Internet and front pages. Dad xxx,


"Maxi, someone's topped us off to the press and we're all over the front pages" I said

"Oh for god sake!" He said "do they know about privacy!"

"Unfortunately not. Welcome to the world of showbiz" I said half hearted

"C'mon, let's face them" maxi said getting up out of bed

"Sure, if we can even get out if the apartment" I said rolling my eyes. "Right quick lesson about the press, don't say anything, ignore them, keep your head down and push through" I said

"Isn't that rude though" maxi said

"Isn't rummaging in our private lives rude?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Point taken" he said

..................................................... A week later

"I can't believe it's the beginning of August already" maxi exclaimed

"Yeah same" shit what?! The first if August that makes me a couple of days late. "Maxi I have to pop out, I won't be long" I shouted

"Sure, don't be too long otherwise I will have gone to work" He shouted back.

I ran to the chemist, I was due on my period yesterday and I was always on time, which I why I was thinking the unimaginable. When I got to the chemist I bought three pregnancy tests to be on the safe side. I paid and went home.

"Hey maxi I'm back, just need to go to the loo". I ran in a did all three tests. God this was nerve wracking. I was sat tapping my nails on the bathroom sink when the time was up. Okay, deep breath, test one, what! Positive. Okay I then checked test two, also positive. Okay now see what test three says, omg positive. Well that's confirmed it, I'm pregnant. Tears pricked up in my eyes, I wiped them and went over to maxi

"Hey, what's wrong" he asked when he saw me walking over to him

"Take a seat I need to talk to you" I said response, he had a nervous look in his eye.

"Err well there isn't really an easy way to say this" I said

"Say what? Your not leaving me are you?" He said

"No, no, I love you Max. I'm pregnant" I said, bracing myself for his response

"Pregnant?" He repeated

"Yes, I'm so sorry" I said bowing my head

"Sorry, why are you sorry? This is amazing, I'm having a child with the girl I love. What's even more amazing is you can have children naturally. I love you so much" he said kissing my forehead

"Really?" I asked

"Yes" he said squeezing my hand "the three of us will be so happy"

"Don't tell the boys try to keep it a secret for a while please" i asked

"Sure, I need to go to work now, I love you" he said kissing me on the lips "and you little one" he said kissing my stomach.

He was right we would be the happiest family.

A/N. sorry it's taken so long to upload I've been busy on holiday. Massive thank you to teambondirescuse for the idea and to abistarxoxo for all of the support. Thanks for reading :)

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