Chapter 22

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It was the morning after the party and I opened up my laptop. I was swamped with tweet and emails, none of which made sense to me.

"Maxi!" I shouted

"Yes" he replied in his groggy morning voice.

"What is everyone on about, some video?". Maxi came and sat next to me and a smug smile spread across his lips. "What?" I asked quizzically "maxi? Explain"

"It's nothing bad, I promise" he said still smugly smiling

"Last night when you were on stage singing I filmed you and uploaded it to my YouTube channel, I wanted everyone to see how beautifully talented my girlfriend was. Is that so bad?" He said stroking my arm "I did it because you don't get enough praise for how talented you are. I'll make you some breakfast before work" he said patting my leg and getting up. I carried on reading through my emails and then my phone rang. My manager Kate.

"Heya" I said

"Lottie, we need to see you"

"Who's we? Why? And when?" I asked

"Me and a recording artist producer. I showed him the video of you singing, you know the one maxi uploaded last night. You were fabulous babe! Your so talented! He wants to talk to you do a demo and see what your like. Meet in an hour if that's okay?"

"Gosh! Really! Wow! Okay sure, I'll be there" I said before hanging up. I ran over to the kitchen where maxi was making toast

"Is it possible to love you even more than I already did" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing behind his ear. Maxi stopped buttering the toast and turned round to face me.

"Oh really, why what have I done?"

"Possibly have made my dream come true. I have a meeting with a record producer in an hour because of you. I love you so much" I said kissing him passionately

"You have an hour huh?" Maxi whispered in my ear. I looked at him so my eyes met his and I saw the twinkle in them.

"Less than an hour" I said before he scooped me up and carried me upstairs.


I was driving to Kate's house feeling really exited but nervous. I had the feeling of butterflies in my stomach and I felt queasy. The drive didn't take long as it was a quite morning and I pulled up to Kate's in no time. I walked up to the door and knocked loudly before stepping back ad taking a deep breath.

"Hiya my lovely" Kate's over enthusiastic voice boomed

"Hey" I replied nervously

"Come in, and don't look so nervous" she said shutting the door behind me. I walked in to the dining room and was greeted by two men in their mid fifties.

"Wow, it's a pleasure to meet someone as talented as you. I'm mark" the first man said shaking my hand.

"I'm graham, I hope to be working with you in the very near future" he said shaking my hand and smiling. "We saw the video that was uploaded online last night and knew that we had too meet you, and the sooner the better. Can you perform these two songs for us now, this will test how well you cope under pressure and how you connect with a song. The first on is Turning Tables by Adele and the second is You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. Whenever your ready". I stood up and took a deep breath, these were my favourite artists so it was a big deal to get their own songs right. The opening chords of turning tables began

"Close enough to start a war, all that I have is on the floor" I gave it my all because I knew that this could be my big break, it felt like I was auditioning for the X factor it meant that much. I finished singing and nobody said anything, the beat of You Belong With Me filled the room. After I finished Mark and Graham looked at each other and smiled.

"Lottie, how would you like to work with us. We want you to release an album, there's a gap in the market and you'll fit right in! The album will be a success because your in the public eye already, you talented and your beautiful." Mark said

"There will also be a tour as well but that depends if the album is a hit" graham chipped in "all you have to do I sign". They slid the contact over to me and I read everything carefully, even the small print. I picked up the pen and signed on the dotted line.

"Welcome to Universal Records" they said with a smile. We stayed in meetings all day discussing what happens next and the future and I finally went home to maxi.

"Wow! Something smells nice" I said as I opened the front door to the smell of dinner. I walked over to maxi and wrapped my arms around his naked torso and kissed his neck. "What's all this in aid of?" I asked

"You. Now take a seat, I'm dishing up" maxi said guiding me to my seat and poring me a glass if champagne. He had decorated the table beautifully. There were candles lit in the centre of the table and rose petals were scattered on top of the table cloth.

"For you Madame" maxi said placing down my favourite meal, enchiladas!

"Thank you Maxi, you didn't need to do any of this" I said tucking in

"I did were celebrating" he said leaning over and kissing me on the lips.

After dinner me and maxi sat on the sofa curled up together with a blanket wrapped around us. I was sat with the love of my life, after eating my favourite meal on the first day of my new singing career. What could be more perfect....

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