Chapter 34

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'Going to the gym, might be late home Xox'

I text maxi before putting my trainers on and waking out of the door. I hated gyms but I couldn't take it anymore. the hate and nasty comments had been really frequent lately and they had discovered my insecurity. My weight. I was slim but nothing special. I wanted to get a flatter stomach so I could feel confident in myself. on the way to the gym I put on the radio and Almost Is Never Enough came on. I turned up the radio and listened along to the lyrics I loved Ariana Grande and this was one of my favourite songs by her. as I pulled up at the gym the rain had just started to fall. I ran into the gym for shelter and checked my phone, to see if maxi had replied. not yet. I got on the cross trainer and got to work. after half an hour I went on the rowing machine for twenty minuets and then I finished off with ten minuets of sit ups and press ups. after I finished I was knackered! I cooled down and sat on the bench with my head in my lap

"Hey" a voice said. I looked up

"Hey Bacon" I replied

"You look knackered" he said laughing

"That's cause I am" l laughed

"You finishing up?" bacon asked

"Yup" I said getting to my feet

"Okay well I have a triathlon and the iron man race to train for so I'll catch you some other time" bacon said waving as he went. I walked out of the gym and went for a walk, in the rain. it was quite peaceful, I sat down on a nearby bench and looked out to sea. everything seemed calm and it gave me time to think about things. I was more than happy with maxi and I was head over heels in love with him but it was the things that people were saying about me that made life hard for me. I sat back and closed my eyes letting the rain wash over me. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. I couldn't help it I tried fighting back the tears but it was no use. all of the pain and anger and mix of emotions from the last couple of weeks poured out of me. no one was around an just as well I didn't want people's sympathy I just wanted to be alone. I looked down at my watch and realised it was late and that I should be heading home. I slowly plodded over to my car an got in, I took a deep breath before starting the ignition.

"Hey I'm back" I shouted as I walked in through the door

"Hey" maxi said walking over to me "why are you so wet?" maxi laughed giving me a kiss

"Erm it's raining" I laughed "let me get changed and dried, wont be a sec." I walked into our bedroom and chucked the wet clothes in a pile on the floor I pulled on sweatpants and a hoddie before walking back into the lounge. I plonked myself down on the sofa

"Why the gym?" maxi asked when I sat down

"What do you mean?"

"You hate them, so why did you go?" maxi asked

"I-I-I just did" I said playing with the sleeve of my hoddie

"Come on Lottie I can tell your lying, whats up?"


"Tell me" maxi said making eye contact with me

"Abuse on twitter" I finally replied

"Why? what have they said?" maxi said sliding closer and stroking my hair

"They were calling me fat and making me feel insecure about my weight, so I wanted to prove them wrong" i said blinking back the tears

"I love you. don't listen to the hate, they're hating on you because they're jealous. please don't listen to them I love you and so do your fans, successful loved people are always going to get hate"

"Thanks" I replied with a smiled

"Come here" maxi said cupping my face and wiping my teary cheeks

"I love you, forever and always" I said snuggling into the crook of his neck.

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