Chapter 7

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I woke to the sound of banging and crashing coming from the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes to try and focus on the surrounding near me. I sat up in bed and inhaled the smell if freshly cooked bacon. Maxi walked in to the bedroom carrying a tray,

"Hey sleepy head, how are we feeling this morning?" Maxi asked

"A load better thanks, sorry if i woke you at about two in the morning, I was just over thinking the whole stalker thing and it got me really scared, I didn't know what to do." I said

"Na, it's cool, I'm going to help you through this and I've been thinking of a plan" maxi said whilst handing me a bacon sandwich.

"Hit me with it" I said smiling

"Well I think you need to make a list of people who don't like you or could have something held against you"

"But if anyone didn't like me in England it wouldn't matter because I live here and they wouldn't know my home address in Australia. I...I I don't mean to be ungrateful maxi, but this is the only thing I have been thinking about and I wouldn't mind having my mind taken off it?" I said hoping I wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"Sure, no worries, I have to work in the afternoon but we have the next four hours together, watcha wanna do?"

"Your probably gonna hate me for this but I wouldn't mind shopping, you can show me all the good shops around here and it's a bit of retail therapy" I said whilst doing my puppy dog eyes, "but can we stop at mine to get changed first please?"

"Sure I guess" said maxi

"Hey shopping isn't that bad, it'll be fun i promise" I said jumping up and kissing his cheek.

"Oi! Where did you get too last night?" Louise shouted at me when I walked through the door

"I was at maxis I did text you, silly moo" I replied

"Yes I know that but like what, like did anything happen?" Lou asked whilst skipping into the kitchen. Maxi smiled at me and coughed

"Shit!" Lou said as she span round so fast she could have given herself whiplash "didn't see you there maxi, could have told me he was here" she said glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and said to maxi

"Won't be a second, take a seat, oh actually can you look though my mail to see if there is one of them envelopes" I whispered to him. I ran upstairs and quickly chucked on a flower play suit and ran back down to see maxi holding a red envelope with 'lottie' printed on it. Shit! My heart sank. I grabbed maxis hand and lead him to the sofa, I took a deep breath and tore the envelope open.

'Lottie, lottie, lottie, you didn't come home last night did you? Where were you? With your boyfriend? Oh yeah you must have been because I saw you kissing. Tell little lover boy that I'm out for him and YOU. Watch your back, I'm gonna get ya.'

I couldn't talk I just hugged my legs and rocked back an forth on the sofa quietly sobbing to myself, maxi wrapped me up a massive hug and kissed my temple and whispered

"I've got you, everything will be okay, ssshhh"

after about twenty minuets of trying to calm me town we hit the shops. It was quite relaxing it took my mind off the whole thing for a while. When I checked the time it was time for maxi to go to work, we hadn't bought anything but I didn't mind I had fun. I said goodbye and walked the short distance back to my house, now it was time to tell jess and Lou everything.

"Hey girlies!" I shouted "get your fat asses down here need to talk to you both, it's really important"

"Oh god is everything okay" Jess said as she sprinted down the stairs.

"No not really. Okay so I've been getting these weird letters from an anonymous person and there really creepy" i said as I handed the girls the letters. I watched them closely and took in there reaction "they know where I live and who I am so none of this is a coincidence they are out to get me and maxi, I told him last night so that's why i stayed at his. The stalker doesn't know where maxi lives so I felt safe for a while and I know that maxi won't let anyone hurt me, but I'm still scared"

"Omg I so sorry, I don't know what to do" Lou said as she gave me a big hug soon followed by jess. I pulled away from them and smiled

"Anyway I'm getting fed up of talking about it, how were your nights?" I asked the girls. Jess began

"Well Jesse got here right on time, which I like, punctuality. So yeah I made him my signature sausage pasta and he loved it, we'll he must have because he stayed the night, on the sofa! And when I checked in him this morning he was still breathing so I hadn't killed him with food posioning." Typical Jess trying to cheer me up

"Go on lou, what did you and taco get up too?" I asked

"Well.....he collected me and took me to this Italian restaurant and the food was beautiful and can I just drop in how bloody good looking his is. Anyway we stayed and chatted and he kept bringing up our first meeting and he kept saying he wanted something in return for saving my life, so at the end of the night when he dropped me home I gave him a full on snog it was fabulouise!" Lou said with a smile

"Oh god lou you didn't just say that" I said whilst face palming myself. "Jess you kissed Jesse right?"

"Mmmm I sure did"she said with a smile

"Awww we all kissed our dates last night and I mean like a proper full on one too" I said giggling. Just as I said that my phone beeped signalling that I had a text, it was from maxi

'Hey babe, me and the boys really need to talk to you. It's serious and important. Come to the tower asap. M xxxx'

I wonder what all that's about...

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