Chapter 33

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It was a cold rainy afternoon and me and Maxi we're cuddled up on the sofa. There was no noise disturbing our peace and quite, well apart from the sudden rumble of maxi's stomach.

"Shift" I said getting up, feeling cold as Maxi's body warmth had left me

"Mmm" Maxi grumbled

"Maxi, I'm gonna bake cupcakes, wanna help?" I asked poking my head round the kitchen cupboard

"Yes I'm coming" Maxi shouted skidding into the kitchen. I got out the ingredients and weighed them accuratley. I gave Maxi a bowl and instructed him to seive the flour.

"Aim to get it into the bowl Maxi" I said laughing "Now add the sugar, and the egg. No actually, I'll add the egg, I don't trust you" I said smiling

"Hey, that's mean" Maxi pouted

"Sssh yourself and whisk it together" I heard some letters flop through the letter box "Mail!" I shouted running to the door. I collected up the letter and returned to the kitchen to see most of the cake mixture spread across Maxis face

"Anything interesting" Maxi asked cleaning his face and sitting next to me

"Bills, more bills, oh some fan mail and err yes this looks interesting" I said holding up an envelope to Maxi

"Open it" He said quizzically, the envelope had big black letters on the front of it saying 'important'. I took a deep breath and ripped open the letter

"Dear Miss Bonner,

This letter is to update you on the William Newston case. We understand that you did not want to have any involvment on the case after you gave your last piece of evidence a couple of moths ago. Mr Newston has left the country and is now back in England. He was found guilty of all of his crimes, harassment, attemptive murder, dangerous driving and abuse. he will be serving atleast 15 years in an English Prison

Regards Inspector Lane"

"Oh my god" my hand was shaking and as I passed the letter over to Maxi "Should I be happy?" I asked him

"Yes, that little sh*t is out of your life now and hopefully he will rot away" maxi said leaning in and hugging me "let's finished baking them cakes babe" maxi said standing up and holding my shaking hand to steady it. We finished whisking the mixture together and put the cupcakes in the oven.

"Are we decorating them?" I asked maxi

"Yesssss" maxi said looking exited

"What colour shall we do the icing?" I asked

"Yellow, for some sunshine I think" maxi said with a big smile. the timer beeped and I took the cakes out, perfect and golden. I put them on the cooling rack and made the icing with maxis help. of course maxi decided to turn me into a simpson and cover my face yellow.

"Lick it off then" I suggested it flirting with him

"If you insist" maxi said laughing " I think we should take some to the boys to cheer them up cause its so cold"

"God if you think this is cold wait until me and you go to London, this is warm for me!" I said laughing

"Where do you live again Antarctica?"

"It feels like it" I said laughing. me and maxi piped the icing on the cakes and then sprinkled 100's and 1000's on top or put smarties on the top.

"Booyyysss!" I shouted opening the door "we have gifts"

"Ooohh what" Jesse shouted

"CUPCAKES" maxi screamed from behind me. there was a massive rampage towards me

"Hey guys stop, hold up. form an orderly queue" I said

"God your such a pomme. 'form a queue'" Jesse said mimicking my British accent

"Okay none for Jesse then" I said turning my back on him "bacon, H, Hoppo, Deano, Max, Harrison and Beardy help yourself" I said smiling

"There one left though" Jesse said hopefully

"No the puppy dog eyes won't work on me Jesse" I said knowing full well they did

"Pwease" Jesse said in a tone I couldn't resist

"Okay Jesse you can have the last one" I said chuckling

"Yay thanks! I won't take the p*ss out of you British accent again" Jesse said smiling

"Yeah sure. enjoy boys. oh and don't eat to many the iron man challenge is up soon, we don't want you to not able to complete the course because you were little fatties" I laughed "see ya boys" I said walking hand in hand with Maxi.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've felt really ill :(. hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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