Chapter 18

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"She's come round, you can see her now Mr Polock"

"Finally! Is she okay?" I said getting up quickly

"She's very lucky, Mr Polock, she's in there, you can ask her yourself if she's okay" the nurse said

"Jess," walking up to her "baby, how is you?" I said sitting down next to her stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry Jesse" she whispered back

"Hey, there's no need to be sorry, but Jess I'm here for you, I love you so much and I couldn't be without you, I just wished you would have talked to me, I could have helped" I said holding her hand

"I know Jesse I'm sorry. I couldn't do it anymore I felt alone and afraid. I didn't know how to tell you. Last time I told someone they walked out of my life and I didn't want you to do that." Jess replied

"Jess I would never leave you, please understand that, promise me that if you have something in your mind you'll tell me, and I'll help you thorough it."

"I promise" she said with a small smile. There was a quite knock at the door, it was maxi

"Hey come in dude" I said "how is she?'" I asked

"How's who? What's happened?" Jess asked sounding panicked

"Lottie's still out of it, they think she's gonna come round in the morning, so I'm gonna pop home and have a quick shower and get changed and sleep here tonight. Glad to see you're awake now Jess. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Why's Lottie unconscious? What happened? Maxi?" Jess screamed

"Jesse" maxi said to me implying I had to break the news to Jess I nodded in response. I waited until maxi closed the door behind him before telling Jess

"Lottie was talking to the nurse and she had a big pain in her belly, she stated bleeding and then collapsed. the nurses still can't confirm what's happened, all we know us she's in good hands" I explained to Jess not knowing how she would react

"It's my fault" she whispered

"No" I said sternly "whatever has happened to Lottie it's NOT your fault"

"It is, she shouldn't even have been here. What if she's lots the baby and it's my entire fault?" Jess sobbed

"Wait. What baby?" I asked sounding really confused

"She was pregnant, I only knew because she's my best friend, it's really early stages so she asked me and maxi to keep it to ourselves that's why nobody else knew" Jess explained

"Maxi knew? That's why he so upset, he could lose his love and his child" I said quietly

"Lottie won't die" jess said "she can't."

**maxi pov**

When I got back to the hospital the nurse had already laid out a blanket for me. I sat in the chair and pulled the blanket around me.

"Mr Maxwell" I heard someone whisper

"Yes" I said opening my eyes and sitting up.

"We have managed to diagnose Miss Bonner"

"Oh, what's happened?" I asked

"Unfortunately Miss Bonner has suffered a miscarriage. It isn't a regular miscarriage it was an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the baby wasn't growing in her uterus but in her Fallopian tube. Miss Bonner is due to go down into theatre in half an hour."

"Nurse, will she be able to have kids naturally?" I asked

"No, sadly not. She was in a car crash which damaged her left fallopian tube and now the right tube won't be functioning because of the ectopic pregnancy. Her womb is still functioning, so this means that if Miss Bonner wanted children, an egg could be removed from her and fertilized with the father's sperm and then the egg would be put back in her so she could still carry and give birth to a baby. "

"Oh, thank you. Do you have any idea when she will wake up?" I asked I was desperate to speak to her now.

"We will try to wake her up after the operation."

"Okay thank you"

"I will be back in a while to fetch Miss Bonner and take her down to surgery." The nurse said before tottering off. I went down to Jesse and Jess and explained what was going on, before returning to Lottie's bedside.

"We're ready for her now" the nurse said. I nodded and kissed her head watching as Lottie got taken away. this whole evening made me realise how much Lottie meant to me and that we shouldn't take things for granted. I was going g to be here for Lottie and I would support her no matter what.

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