Chapter 6

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Me, Jess and Louise were all sat in the living room talking about our upcoming dates with the boys. I was being collected at 6.30pm and I couldn't wait. me and maxi had got quite close over the past few days so I couldn't wait for tonight. Louise and Taco were also going out tonight but to a restaurant on the other side of town. Jess had invited Jesse round to ours as that would be the only night the house would be free of me and Lou. I had invested on a padlock for my wardrobe so I didn't have my date ruined because my friends had stolen my clothes....again

I curled my hair and put my makeup on and I decided to give myself smokey eyes. I wore my signature lacy LBD and my new black louboutins. I hadn't realised that there was a pile of mail that I hadn't opened so as I was all ready and waiting for maxi I decided to open them. Ugh junk mail, bills, fan mails and a peculiar looking envelope. I ripped it open and it read

"I've been watching you and your friends. What about your new boyfriend? How's he? Enjoying your new life? Ha thought you were, lets see how long your fun lasts Lottie"

I sat down trying to take it all in. Someone had been spying on me. Not many people knew that I moved here and if they did they wouldn't know where I lived. Someone had been stalking me. Shit! What the fuck am I meant to do!

'Ding dong' fuck maxis here I grabbed the letter and shoved it into my purse. I flicked my hair back straightened out my dress, dried my eyes and plastered on a smile and opened the door to maxi who was holding a big bouquet of flowers.

"Wow!" He said "you look stunning babe, err these are for you"

"Thank you maxi, you didn't have to get me anything" I said blushing. "I'll put them in some water, come in"

As I went back to the door to leave for my date I turned round and shouted to the girls

"Be good and enjoy your dates!"

"We will babe have fun yourself and not be naughty, we know what your like!" Replied Lou.

I got in maxis car and he asked if he could put the radio and I nodded in response. California king bed came on

"Wow I love this song" I said

"Same" maxi said as we both began to sing along.

"In this California king bed, were ten thousand miles apart" we sang together, I was more in tune than maxi which made me giggle I was so engrossed with the song I didn't realise he had turned down the radio so I carried on singing

"I've been California wishing on these stars for your heart for me my California king" i stopped singing the second I realised that the radio was extremely quite.

" hey why did you stop?" Maxi asked

"Because you could hear me" I said shyly

"Hey your really good you shouldn't be shy about your talent."

When we arrived at the restaurant maxi pulled put my chair for me which I really appreciate I like boys that act like proper gentleman and not obnoxious twats.

"Err is this table okay?" Maxi asked .

"Yeah it's beautiful, trust me I'd tell you if I didn't like something" I said smiling. The table was in the corner of the restaurant away from everyone else and the only thing that lit up our table we're elegant fairy lights and a candle which made this very intimate. Me and maxi ordered our food which was amazing and maxi keep complementing me on everything. He was such a lovely guy. At the end of the meal maxi looked worried and said

"Is everything okay you seem worried about something?"

"No don't be silly I'm fine thank you" I said giving a small smile which maxi saw straight through.

"C'mon babe, I know something's worrying you, you might feel better if you tell me and get it off your chest?" I reached into my purse and handed him the letter. His face fell.

"I'm scared maxi,i don't know who it is and I'm scared they are going to hurt me" I said through my tears. Maxi got up and hugged me tightly

"I promise I won't ever left anyone hurt you, I'll protect you, please don't be afraid." I squeezed maxi back and broke out of the hug

"I just don't get it, why would someone write this and I'm scared because it was hand delivered so they know where I live and they might hurt me when I'm home alone"

"I know now might not be the best time to ask you but who is this boyfriend the letter mentions?" Maxi asked

"You" I said as I looked up at maxi through tear stained eyes "look me and you have been getting on really well lately and I don't want to rush things and ruin what we have, I really like you maxi and I can stop thinking about you." I said, i heald my breath ready for rejection but it didn't come, instead maxi had moved in closer and he was looking into my eyes our noses were touching and our lips were centremetes apart.

"I can't stop thinking about you either" maxi said and he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I felt like I was going to explode this kiss felt so right, he felt so right.

"Lottie" he said when we pulled apart for air "if your worried about this person stalking you then you can stop at mine tonight, we don't have to sleep in the same beds I can make the spare bed up and you can sleep there, what ever makes you happy."

"Gosh thank you maxi, I'd really appreciate that" I replied.

"To my place we go,"

"Oh maxi, do you want any money for tonight?" I asked

"No, don't be silly, it's my treat" he said with a smile.

When we arrived back at maxis I couldn't see much as it was so dark but he held my hand and guided me to the room.

"Here's the spare room, so you can sleep in here err or if you gave trouble sleeping or are worried about the letter you can jump in my bed which is just down the corridor." Maxi said

"Thanks" I replied as maxi left the room her gave me one if his baggy t-shirts to sleep in. I text the girls because I knew they would worry if I didn't come home tonight.

'Hey girls I'm staying at maxis to night, it's not what you think and yes Jess we are sleeping in separate bed thank you! I'll see you in the morning and I will explain everything. Lottie xxxxx'

It was about 2 in the morning when I woke from the nightmare. I ran down the corridor to maxi and got into bed with him. I rolled over and began to cry. I don't know if maxi had been awake all this time but he put his arm around my waist, kissed my neck and he whispered "everything's gonna be alright,"

I fell asleep in maxis arms feeling as safe as you could knowing that there was someone spying on you that very moment.

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