Chapter 19

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My eyes flickered open, and bright hospital lights blinded me. I turned my head slowly to the side to see maxi

"Hey" he whispered "how are you feeling?"

"Sore, but okay. I've lost it haven't I?" I asked

"Yes. you had an ectopic pregnancy, so they've removed it. that's why you feel sore, you can still carry children if you want, you just won't be able to conceive naturally. I sound like a doctor don't I" maxi joked trying to lighten the mood

"Okay" I whispered to tired to ask any questions "where's Jess?"

"Jess is next door, she blames this whole thing on herself, she's getting discharged later this afternoon, so you can see her then" maxi soothed.

"whats the time?" i asked with a dry mouth "can i have some water?" i asked sitting up

"its 10:09" maxi said handing me the cup of water "slow sips" he joked

"who are you my mother?" i laughed "your really late for work maxi, go, i don't want you losing your job"

"hoppo's given me and Jesse time off, so we can stay, Bacon said he's gonna pop over in his lunch break to see you. all the boys have given you get well soon messages, they care about you a lot."

"yeah i know, maxi i'm really tired, you can go home and watch telly or something while i sleep, and come back at lunch with bacon, because i'll have more energy then" i said with a small smile.

"only if your sure, ill go home and get a couple of hours sleep" maxi said getting up and kissing my forehead.

**jess pov**

i was feeling positive today, which is a first; i'm getting discharged this afternoon and i'm going ot put this whole 48hours behind me and Lottie's okay. jesse came in carrying two cups of coffee.

"morning" he said handing me one and planting a kiss on my forehead

"hey, have you heard anything else about lottie?" i asked jesse

"She's awake and you can go and see her when your discharged later."

"Oh good. how's maxi?" I asked still feeling like this was partly my fault

"He's still pretty cut up about it I mean he's putting a brave face on but I think he's only doing that for Lottie to help her through it. Cause at the end of the day Lottie was the one in theatre so he's trying to be strong, but I can see right through it. he'll be okay though, don't look so worried."

*knock knock*

"Come in" i said, it was the nurse

"Your free to go home now" she said with a big smile

"Really" Jesse said

"Yes really, we're happy that your well enough to go home now" the nurse said

"Thank you for everything" i said smiling.

**lottie pov**

It felt like I had been awake ages waiting for maxi as bacon, but according to the clock it had only been ten minuets.

"You have visitors" the nurse said "shall I send them in?"

"Sure thanks" I said sitting up

"Hey, look who I've got" maxi said walking through the door. "Bacon!" he shouted

"Ssshhh maxi we're in a hospital don't be so loud!" I said giggling

"Hi, how are you" bacon said handing me a teddy and a bunch of flowers

"Better now I have company, thanks for these, there was no need though" I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"When you being released?'' bacon asked

"tomorrow hopefully, I hate hospitals" I said with a sigh

"There not that bad!" maxi said.

"While you were gone I was thinking have a big party in a week before the ride, like a send off for you all the lifeguards and their other halves. what do you think?"

"Sounds good as long as your well enough!" maxi said looking serious

"Your need to stop worrying maxi otherwise you'll get loads of wrinkles!" I said

"That's what happens when you care about someone" he replied

"And back to reality. the party sounds really good! I'll let the boys know" bacon joked. The boys stayed ad chatted until they had to go and there was another knock at my door.

"Can I come in?" I quiet voice asked

"Sure, take a seat"

"Lottie I'm so sorry, you loosing the baby was all my fault, you should have been taking it easy but you were stressing over me being so selfish. I'm so sorry" Jess said whilst shedding a couple of tears

"Hey stop it now. I'm glad your okay, none of this is your fault, the chances are I would have lost the baby if I was at home, on the beach or at the hospital. you weren't being selfish if anything I was being a horrible friend by not being there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry. you should have talked to me and we could have worked something out." I said giving her a hug.

"Miss visiting hours are over now" the nurse informed the both of us

"I'll see you tomorrow and we can go for a coffee or something when I'm discharged" I said as Jess left

"Sure. take care now" she said before closing the door behind her.

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