Chapter 4

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We arrived at the beach and laid out in the morning sun. I guess we had been tanning for about an hour when Lou stood up and announced that she was off for a swim. Jess mumbled something in response and I turned to lay on my belly to tan my back. I must have drifted off because I was woken suddenly by jess' loud cackling. i looked up to see her talking to this lifeguard who had a rather nice body and distinctive tattoos, they were the sort of tattoos you could recognise so I sat up and looked at them trying to remember the lifeguards name. The tattoo read 'my brothers keeper' and that's when I realised that it was Jesse Polock! I hit Jess and she squealed

"What?!" I laughed at her reaction which made her even more annoyed.

"Are you not going to introduce me to your friend then?" Me and Jesse said at the same time.

"Jesse this is my best friend Charlotte..."

"...but call me Lottie" i interrupted, Jess gave me a death stare.

"Lottie, this is jesse"

"Nice to meet you" I exclaimed whilst putting out my hand for him to shake. This got another eye roll from jess.

"Look I'm probably going to have to go in a minute, something will kick off, so err I'll give you my number and you can call me" Jesse said, dopey Jess just sat there gobsmacked. So I nodded her head for her.

Jesse scribbled his number down on a piece of crumbled paper and handed it to Jess. As Jesse stood up his radio went off

"Tower to Jesse, Taco might need back up." Jesse ran and grabbed a board and paddled in the sea. Taco and Jesse had managed to pull Lou onto their boards. me and Jess should have stopped her cause she's a crap swimmer but on the bright side she had been rescued by sexy lifeguards. Lou staggered up to me and Jess and mumbled something about needing to go shopping? She sat down as dried herself off on my towel and told us that taco wanted to take her out for a drink to tell her where to swim on the beach. He was coming round tonight with Maxi and Jesse. I don't know my two best friends had just bagged themselves a boy on the first day we get here!


Lou didn't get time to go shopping for her 'date' with taco but she'll live I guess. The girls got showered and ready for their dates so they left me with no hot water! I waited a while so I might have ten seconds worth of hot water. I decided to Skype my dad and see how he is (I know I only saw him yesterday, but I had to see how he was.)

I was chatting to my dad for ages and I eventually went for this hot/cold shower. I washed my hair and towel dried it, and got dressed, seeing as we had company I thought I should dress up a bit. I was looking for my black lace top, but I couldn't find it. I shouted downstairs to Jess and Lou but there was no reply. Great i'll just go downstairs with wet hair and a towel wrapped round me that's fine. Typical me shouting abuse to my friends as I walk down the stairs. I got to the bottom to see Maxi, jesse, taco, Jess and Lou all staring at me. "Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit!" I shouted, I flicked my hair behind my shoulder and held on tightly onto my towel because I swear if it feel down now I would die.

"Have you seen my black top?" I asked Lou already knowing the answer. She smiled at me as I shook my head at her

"Sorry" she whispered

"It's okay, I'll just scare the crap outta you to get you back" I said with a smile.

"Why don't you just do it now?' Maxi asked

"Because I have a towel wrapped around my body and the only thing that's keeping it up is my hand so if it fell down I would be stood here naked."

"Fine by me" said maxi. God he was a flirt! I shook my head and went back upstairs. I quickly got changed into my red top with the numbers 89 written on it with tiny denim shorts. There that should do it I thought. I went back downstairs and joined the rest of them. We spent the night chatting away like old friends at the end it the night maxi grabbed my arm and said

"Call me and we can go on a proper date, or pop up into the tower and we can sort something out" he said with a smile.

Well I might just do that I thought.

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