Chapter 20

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Me and Jess were sat in bondi cafe overlooking the surf. after talking about the miscarriage for fifteen minutes I'd finally convinced Jess that it wasn't her fault and we moved on to talking about the party before the ride.

"I'll be co planner" Jess squealed getting all exited

"Sure, ideas? Should there be a theme?" I said laughing at her reaction

"Yay!" she shouted before doing her happy dance which insisted her doing a hand flapping movement, squealing and semi screaming - sort of like fangirling.... "Don't have a theme, just have it casual on the beach with a DJ and karaoke!" she said excitedly.

"Shall we cater for about 100 people, don't it to be massive, just the lifeguards and the boys families" I asked

"That's sound good, wanna tell the boys now?" she asked

"Okies" I said getting up, before crossing the road and walking to the tower

"Hey hey hey!" I shouted when I opened the door

"Lottie, Jess" the boys shouted in return and then we were smothered in hugs and kisses from them all asking how we were feeling

"Anyway" Jess said before clearing her throat dramatically "that's not what we came her for! This weekend, party, here, on the beach and your all invited with your other halves" Jess shouted. Lots of cheers came flooding our way.

"Now me and Jess need an outfit so, bye!" I shouted before air kissing them.

Me and Jess hit the shops in need of a dress. Not slutty but nice so we can give our boyfriends an image to remember. Me and Jess always went shopping and she was my official trust worthy girlie shopper. We went into the first shop and tried on some dresses, and most of them to be fair looked better on the manikins. There was this sequinned dress that I tried on and it looked vile! Jess just stood there laughing at me and taking the piss. We had nearly searched every shop so we decided to have a coffee break.

"Why is it so hard to find a nice dress" I said whining

"I know I've given up hope. If the last shop doesn't have it then I'm screwed" Jess said in her typical over the top dramatic fashion. We headed into the last shop.

"Half price on all dress'" Jess said reading the sign aloud.

"Good, now we just need a dress!" I said. We scoured though the racks collecting dresses. Every dress I liked was in my size; surely this shop would have the dress. We ended up with five dresses each and walked into the changing rooms. The first dress I tried on was a tight, figure hugging yellow dress. It looked like it was made out of silk and I put it on, it looked beautiful apart from the bust was massive for my small boobs.

"Ugh!" I said aloud

"No luck?" jess replied

"Not yet!" the next dress was a pink lace dress, the bust and arms were lace and the rest was plain pink material. "Jess, does this look alright, the colour looks a bit weird on me, don't you think?" I asked stepping out of the changing room

"It's nice but your right, the colour doesn't work, keep trying!" she said laughing. I returned to the changing room and picked up a red bandage dress which I had fallen in love with the moment I had seen it. I slipped it on and instantly knew that this was the one. It hugged my body in all the right places and made my boobs look bigger, which was good as they were quite small

"Jess!" I shouted "this is the one"

"Wow" she said when I stood in front of her "your look gorgeous! The boys will be blown away, if you give yourself red lips and wavy hair, your look flawless!" she said jumping up and down with excitement

"Are you getting that one?" I asked, jess who was stood there in a black knee length dress with straps. It was plain apart from the row of diamante underneath the bust. It was simple but beautiful.

"Yesssss! I'll meet you by the checkouts" she said excitedly like a child on Christmas morning. I got changed and put the other dresses back and met jess at the checkouts. We handed them over and paid.

"I'll see you at the weekend, at the partayyy!!!" jess said giving me a hug

"Yes, see ya later alligator" I said before walking back to my car and driving home.

I was so looking forward to this party!

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