Chapter 10 - Lottie's POV (Part 2)

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When I woke I saw maxi beaming down at me, I forced him to go home and get rest because he knew I was okay now. Jess came in and hugged me really gently and said

"Hey babe, how are you?". I tried to speak but my mouth was so dry that I couldn't, I signalled for some water and she handed it over to me and ordered me to take small sips, god what was she my mother!

"Sore" I eventually managed to reply "I can't remember anything that happened but I'm not worried about that I want to get better and get out of here" I said with a sigh.

"Don't go and do anything stupid now missy! Don't be stupid like me" Jess replied

"Why? What have you done?" I asked

"Please don't be mad, but I've started to do it again, I didn't want to, but I was so scared that I was going to loose you I took it out on myself. I'm so sorry". I knew exactly what Jess meant she had began to cut again, I remember the first time she did it on the night of the car crash that both her parents had died in, and I made her stop, I knew she had done it on and off throughout her teenage years, when she got bad grades, or boyfriends dumped her, it was her way of coping with stuff.

"I'm not mad but you can't do it again, you have to talk to people about it, talk to Jesse he could help." I said whilst holding her hand

"I feel like your the only person I can talk to about this". Jess looked like an innocent little girl so hopeless and lonely, all I could do was wrap her up in a hug and nearly squeeze her insides out. Jesse knocked at the door and came in with mud, or coffee (if you could even call it that) he gave me a big hug and a massive bunch of purple flowers

"Thanks guys" I said whilst the nurse but them in a vase of water. They stayed with me until I drifted off to sleep....

When I awoke I saw Lou and Taco sat by the side of the bed and they both hugged me and gave me a little teddy which was holding a massive flower saying get well soon. Louise was updating me in hers and Tacos love life when Maxi walked in. I sat there looking at him and bawled my eyes out. He dropped everything he was holding and cradled me in his arms. Maxi sat with me for a while before Lou and Taco said that they would let me and Maxi be alone.

Maxi looked me in the eyes and said

"I love you" before leaning in to kiss me passionately.

"I thought I'd lost you, well I had, your heart stopped beating, but they brought you back" maxi said through tears

" heart stopped beating?" I mumbled, and maxi replied with a small nod "I wouldn't leave you, and beside I couldn't leave you now I know what you want" I replied with a smile

"And what do I want?" Maxi asked

"I heard everything you said when I was unconscious, marriage, kids and even the singing" i said whilst giggling.

"And what are your thoughts Miss Bonner" maxi asked with a smirk

"I feel the same, but please don't go on X factor, the singing was a bit out of tune, anyway what's wrong with me I still haven't been told." I replied

"Ah, we'll basically you're fallopidan..."

"My what? My fallopidan? What's a fallopidan? Do you mean my Fallopian tube by any chance?" I said giggling

"...yeah that well basically that ruptured, so the chances of you conceiving naturally are a lot harder, your hip broke and then your spleen ruptured. Also the police will be coming in later to take a statement they think its all to do with the stalker letters"

"So I might not be able to have kids?" I muttered

"No, you will have kids and you'll be a fantastic mother, but it will be harder to have them naturally as you only have one working tube thing" maxi replied

"What time are the police getting here? And when can I get out of here!?"

"I'll go and get the nurse now, hold on" maxi said pulling himself out of his chair

Within two minuets maxi was back with a nurse in tow.

"Hello Miss Bonner my dear, how are we feeling?" She asked

"Sore" I replied with a small smile.

"That is to be expected, right we are looking to discharge you in four days, you will need to take tablets for the rest of your life, to replace what your spleen would have made, I believe Mr Maxwell has explained the difficulty to conceive naturally, but I must tell you that it isn't impossible, many women have children with only one functioning Fallopian tube. With regards to exercise and sexual intercourse you cannot take part in any of this for two months to help mend your hip properly. The police will be here in under five minuets. Any questions?"

"No thank you for you help" I said smiling

"Two months?!" Maxi exclaimed

"Err excuse me is my health not important to you? Your going have to be a good boy and learn to wait a while" I said laughing.

I put on the telly and me and Maxi started to watch an old episode of Bondi Rescue back when Maxi was 16. I began to tease him when there was a knock at the door and two police officers walked in.

"Hello Mr Maxwell and Miss Bonner, I'm Sergent Davies and this is Inspector Lane, would it be possible for us to asks you a few questions?"

"You can give it a go, but I can't remember much" I said

"You had been receiving hate from somebody, and we had read all of the letters, it must have been someone who knew you then?"

"I guess, I'm not sure it could have been anyone, they could have people working for them?" I answered

"Tell us about the crash do you remember anything?"

"I remember joing the motorway and there were a lot of bright lights, they were going really quick and all the light disorientated me, I felt myself jolt forward, and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital, I don't remember much."

"Do you remember the colours if the cars?"

"Yes they were red, blue and white"

"We have a list of people who were on that piece of road at the time of the crash, I'm going to read them out, tell me if it sounds familiar, as they could have crashed into you an they could be behind the hate campaign.

" George May

Lisa Nicholson

Carol Miller

Jeff Birtwell

Hannah Rume

William Newston..."

"Stop!" I yelled

"Who? William Newston" I nodded my head in response "Okay, why do you recognise this name?" I took a long pause before I spoke

"Will is an ex boyfriend we broke up because things weren't working out, I ended it, he was upset and moved over to Australia, I haven't seen him since, I think he's behind it all" I whispered.

"Thank you for your time, Miss Bonner, we will look in to this and let you know if there is any news, get well soon" the officers said as the walked out of the room.

I turned to Maxi, "it's him I know it" I whispered.

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