Chapter 31

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It was mine and maxis day off and we were sat on the sofa.

"Whatcha fancy doing today?" maxi asked suddenly

"I'm not fussed babe, I need to do a bit of shopping though, you could come with me if you like?" I suggested

"Alright, let's go" maxi said jumping to his feet. we got in the car and began driving to the shops, "do you want the radio on?"

"Yes please" I replied

"And up next with her new single is Lottie Bonner!" the radio DJ announced. I looked over at maxi who looked as shocked as did

"It's been my dream ever since I was four to hear my song on the radio" I explained to maxi. I sat back and closed my eyes savouring this moment. maxi turned up the volume and sat there with the biggest smile on my face.

"That's brilliant" maxi said when my song had finished "who wrote it?"

"Me" i said quietly

"That's brilliant babe" maxi said pulling up at the shops.

"Thanks" I replied blushing a little. maxi grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand into the shipping centre. I had a tv interview tomorrow so I wanted to find an outfit. the first shop I walked in I got everything I needed. the woman in there was lovely, she knew exactly what I wanted and the dress she chose was lovely. it was a short knee length sea blue dress. it had long lace sleeves and it hug to my figure perfectly. I bought the dress, paid for it and walked out of the shop.

"Lottie can we go in the pet shop please" maxi begged giving me puppy dog eyes

"Okay" I said giving in to that look "we can look we aren't getting anything though" I said. maxi dragged me into the pet shop and was like an exited child. we walked past the fish, the cats and the rabbits until we got to the puppy section at the back.

"Lottie look" maxi said pointing to a adorable Labrador

"Aww isn't he cute" I said crouching down to get a better view of him

"What shall we call him?' maxi asked

"He's not ours so we can't name him" i said laughing

"Um yeah he is. surprise!" Maxi shouted

"You've bought a puppy" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup. what about Harvey?" maxi suggested

"When do we pick him up?" I asked

"Today that's why we came in" maxi said with a smile on his face

"Come on then let's get you home" I said smiling at the exited brown Labrador. we bought Harvey treats, beds, leads and collars and took him home.

Well when we returned home I didn't expect to have a dog with us. Well you never know what to expect in the Maxwell household...

Sorry it's bad! I've got no ideas! commet or message me some please :) xxxxx

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