Chapter 5

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So our 'settle in week' was over and we were all off to work on Monday morning. Jess had to go to a meeting about staring in a new Aussie tv drama and Louise was told to go to the gym to remain fit for all of her dance work. Well that just left me, I was on my way to model some new clothing and I was looking forward to it. I was such a girlie girl and I loved getting my hair and makeup done. Claire liked the whole idea of keeping top secret of what I was actually going to model. So I arrived at this crumbly old building not knowing what to expect.

As I walked up the staircase my palms turned all sweaty because I was really nervous now. I walked in to my changing room and I was met by Hannah who was going to be my hair and makeup stylist over here in Australia. She was so lovely and she managed to calm my nerves. She didn't put much make up on me as se said that this was a natural shoot and she curled my hair slightly to give me beach waves. As I stood up she said

"Have fun and enjoy the boys they are all ready and waiting for you." What boys I thought? As I walked into the shooting room I was greeted by four very handsome boys. They introduced themselves as Maxi, Reidy, Whippet and Harries.

"Hey I'm Lottie" I said with a smile. Me an the boys were going to be modelling the new Bondi t-shirts and hoodies. The photographer was a right snooty cow, she was clearly unimpressed that I was having a laugh with the lads.

"What's that cows problem?" I whispered to maxi

"She was flirting with us boys earlier before you walked in and now she's jealous because your absolutely gorgeous" I blushed a little a lightly punched his arm

"You never stop do you?" I said

"Stop what?" Maxi said

"You know exactly what your doing mr" I winked.

"Oi! Could you possible spare a couple of minuets of your precious time to be in the photos, I mean that's what your paid to do isn't it?" Wow this photographer was a right bitch.

"Coming" me and maxi chorused, I looked over a whippet who was absolutely pissing himself with laugher.

"Do you wanna grab a coffee Lottie?" Harries sad after the shoot. I looked at the time,

"Yeah sure, got nothing better to do" I said with a smile. We went to Bondi cafe and ordered four coffees and one tea (can't stand the taste of coffee.)

"So we got told about yours and Maxis first meeting" Reidy said

"Oh god, you told them?" I asked maxi, he just smiled back at me "that's so embarrassing"

"It could have been worse" said whippet

"Yeah like the towel could have actually fallen down" said maxi

"Don't even go there" I said giving him a look.

"So how are you enjoying Australia then?" Asked harries

"It's beautiful, more beautiful than I remember it" I replied

"You remember it? Have you been before then?" Reidy asked

"Uh huh, I came when I was seven with my mum and dad, so that's errr 13 years ago now. we visited Sydney, Cairns and Brisbane and I fell in love with the place and I knew I would come back to visit but I never thought I would live here" I exclaimed.

"I'm guessing your mum and dad are missing you then, living on the other side of the world and stuff" maxi asked. I looked at them and I felt the colour drain out of my cheeks

"I..i... I don't mean to intrude.." Maxi began,

"No it's fine, I err I'm not quite ready to talk about my parents if that's okay, sorry" I gave a small smile.

"'s fine sure, so what place did you enjoy the most Sydney, Cairns or Brisbane?" Reidy said

"Wait! Take time to answer this, we don't want you to give the wrong answer do we?" Whippet joked.

"Genuinely I enjoyed Sydney the most, it's a beautiful place" I beamed.

"So if you came here when you were seven and that was thirteen years ago, your twenty?" Maxi queried

"Ahh well done Einstein, can someone give this boy a medal because he can add up" I said I a silly voice.

Mine and maxis eyes connected and we both smiled at each other, it's like his eyes held hidden secrets and I felt I had a connection with him .

"Err me whip and harries are gonna make a move now" Reidy announced. Whip have him a 'what?' look and Reidy nodded and stood up to leave, by this time harries had caught on

"Lovely to meet you Lottie, and it's was great to work with you and get to know you Darlin', pop in the tower and say hi if your ever down at the beach" he said

"I sure will if I get a mo. I'll drop over the pictures when they get posted to me" I said whilst standing up and hugging the boys.

When the boys left it was just me and maxi. You know I was beginning to think I had a soft spot for the blondie. I was lost in my thoughts when maxi said

"I can show you around Sydney seeing as your knew an all that oh and can I have your number this time because I know you won't ring me?"

"Sure you can I'd like that" I said whilst typing my number into maxis phone.

This could be an interesting afternoon I thought :)

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