Chapter 35

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"Get up Maxi, we need to pack" I said hitting him over the head with a pillow

"No, I like sleeping" Maxi whined

"I swear if we miss our flight because you're too lazy to get up...let's just say I won't be impressed" I mutter

Both Maxi and I are morning people so we couldn't be bothered to pack for our trip to England. I walked over to the wardrobe and started throwing warm clothes into a pile. From behind me I heard the bed creak meaning Maxi had finally got up.

"What time is the flight" Maxi shouted groggily as he walked into the kitchen

"Three hours from now, so we have an hour to pack and get to the airport because we need to be there two hours before the flight takes off" I called back

Once we were both a little more awake it didn't take us long to pack. We were all ready to go for our ten day trip so we packed our suitcases into the car.

"You off then" a voice shouted from behind us

"Yeah" Maxi said as we turned round so see Bacon sat in the rhino

"Well have a safe flight and have fun" Bacon said

We got in the car and waved to Bacon and about twenty minutes later we were at the airport.

"So this is the final stage of your birthday present Maxi, you looking forward to it?" I questioned as we were sat after check-in waiting for our flight to be called

"I'm so nervous if I'm being honest, what if your family doesn't like me"

"I doubt that will happen, you're a very loveable person" I laughed

"I hope so" Maxi sighed

"Flight BA103 to London Heathrow is now ready for boarding" the flight attendant called into the megaphone

"Come on babe, we'll have fun" I said kissing Maxi's cheek as I grabbed his hand heading to the plane.

**22 hours later in London**

We were feeling tired after a gruelling 22 hour flight and we had finally landed in London. All of our luggage was collected safely and I grabbed Maxi's hand and headed towards the exit. I zipped my coat up trying to keep myself warmer in the nippy October winter air. I tightened my grip on Maxi's hand as I could see the swarming number of paparazzi calling our names. Maxi looked nervous because he wasn't use to all this attention so I gave him a reassuring smile. We pushed our way through the mob of flashes and jumped into an awaiting taxi.

"You okay?" I question Maxi

"Yeah fine now thanks, can you ever get use to all that attention?"

"No" I say shaking my head. "Can you take us to Pall Mall please" I called forward to the taxi driver

"Sure it's about half an hour's drive" the taxi driver called back

The drive didn't take long at all; I sat facing the window taking in the London views. I sat there thinking about how spectacular everything looked all lit up at night.

"Sleepy heads, we're here" the taxi driver shouted, me and Maxi climbed out of the taxi and I left Maxi to get the luggage whilst I paid the man "have a nice stay" the driver shouted as he drove off into the night. It was only a short walk up the road to my apartment and I let out a huge sigh of relief when I stepped into my freshly cleaned apartment. Maxi walked over to the floor length window and gazed in awe at the London Eye which we had a clear view of from my apartment.

"It's beautiful" Maxi whispered

"It's quite the view huh" I smiled "We're going to have such a good trip"

"Are you coming to bed?" Maxi asked, I looked at my watch and realised that it was a quarter to three in the morning

"Yes" I yawned walking over to the bed and drifted into a peaceful sleep with Maxi's arm wrapped around my waist.

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