Chapter 11

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Finally I was free to leave the hospital. I thanked the nurses and gathered all my things with the help of Maxi and headed home. I got home and headed straight for a nice hot bubbly bath, I put on my favourite CD and lent back and relaxed. The next thing I knew there was a knock at the bathroom door and it was maxi,
"Lottie, take your time but the police are here, there has been an update on the crash." I carefully clambered out of the bath and went downstairs.
"Good morning Miss Bonner, we looked into William Newston and the stalker letters and we have gathered outstanding evidence. We got in contact with the British Metropolitan Police and they told us about William's previous convictions, were you aware he had a criminal record Miss Bonner?" Sergeant Davies said
"Yeah, that's why I broke up with him, he had anger issues and he would get into fights a lot"
"Did he ever take it out on you" maxi and Inspector Lane said
"With all due respect Inspector, if that did ever occur then that was in the past and has been dealt with"
"That's a yes then" maxi said under his breath, I shot him a look
"Yes sorry, right there was DNA left on the letters and the registration on the car that hit you, matched William's latest car. He will be taken to court in a couple of months; he will remain in a cell until then. Any further questions?" I shook my head "G 'day Mr Maxwell and Miss Bonner"

"Why didn't you tell me you had been in an abusive relationship" maxi asked when the officers had left
"It didn't come up, and besides it was the odd occasion, anyway I've moved on"
"The odd occasion, yeah maybe it's odd because normal people don't go around hitting their girlfriends" Maxi said with a raised voice
"Would you leave it Maxi! I don't want to talk about it, just drop it. there's a lot you don't know about me or my past and I'm' willing to tell you when the time is right and when you're willing to listen and not fly off the handle all the time" I said whilst moving away from him, which wasn't easy as I was hobbling around on crutches.
"Yeah sorry, you wanna go to the tower and see the lads?" maxi asked
"Yes please, I'm fed up of being inside" I said grabbing my jacket.

When we arrived at the tower I was greeted by all of the boys
"Hey Lottie" they all shouted
"Hey boys" I said whilst plonking myself in a seat. Jesse went over to maxi and I heard him say
"How's she been" and maxi shrugged and rolled his eyes
"Oi! I saw that Max!" I shouted which made the lads laugh
"I feel sorry for you having to put up with Maxi and a broken hip" Gonzo said
"well it's not all bad, I guess he's like my little servant, doing everything for me" I said smiling "gets a bit annoying but that's Maxi" I replied
"Try working with him for the past six years" Hippo said
"Hey are you sure maxis just your servant?" Bacon asked
"Why what else would he be? My slave too?" I said jokingly
"No like, does it go any further" Mouse chipped in
"Well judging by the way they practically ate each other's faces off when Lottie came round I guess so" Taco said
"Oh is that right?" I said
"Yup that's why me and Lou left, to leave you love birds" taco said
"Hardly, anyway what stage are you and Louise at in your little relationship?'' I asked
"Don't go changing the subject Lottie, are you and maxi together?"
"I dunno, why don't we ask Maxi?" I said, with a cheeky smile
" to maxi?!?!" Jesse said
"Yup" he said before running out of the tower nearly knocking Louise and Jess flying! Bacon, gonzo and kerrbox all chased maxi down the beach and started to jump on him.
"There chasing him why?" I asked
"Cause little maxi has a bird, and your rather beautiful too" harries said making me blush a little, I smiled in response.
"Well I guess if we are all coming clean, me and Jess are together aswel" jesse said running to the tower exit
"So are me and Louise" taco shouted running out of the tower. Followed by the rest of the lifeguards chasing them.

Jess and Louise grabbed a chair and sat next to me looking on at our crazy boyfriends being attacked.
"Best thing that's happened to me, coming over to Australia, life changing experience" Jess said.
"I know we wouldn't be a happy as this in England" Louise said facing us
"Yeah, I know I had my doubts, and I've died, but the best thing that's come out of this is maxi" I said laughing
"Awww really, I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you" maxi said kissing my neck
"Ha, no. Your the best thing that's happened to me in Australia, not in my life, the best thing that's happens to me in my life was meeting Jess and Lou. Yep okay I feel sick now, enough with the soppy ness. What were you doing listening to our girl talk Maxi?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Hey taco and Jesse are stood by the door they can hear you to!" Maxi said holding his hands up in surrender.
"Next time, I think we should talk about really girly things like periods" Louise said laughing
"No! Do say that word" the boys shouted.
"How old are you four?" I asked
"Yes," replied hoppo
"Jesus! Can you boys stop appearing from everywhere, you'll need to get the defib back on me if you continue!'' I said laughing
"Me and Lottie need to go home" maxi announced suddenly, gently grabbing my arm and opening the doors for me
"Get it maxi!" Taco shouted
"I'm on crutches nut bra" I shouted back laughing.

When we got to maxis I sat I the kitchen and maxi cooked me spaghetti. We had our meal and we were snuggling on the sofa watching just go with it. (Well it was either that or mean girls) maxi turned to me and said
"Sooooo, girlfriend"
"Yes Maxi?"
"Okay, right, I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me, to help you get better and stuff so er yeah, watcha say?"
"Well, err. Yes of course boyfriend" I said laughing.

Uh oh what have I let myself in for....

A/N.... I know this is pretty bad and boring I didn't know what to write so um yeah, sorry its a bit pants. The next chapter is gonna be written in two months later so Lottie can walk and it won't be boring and yes. Sorry it's poo...
There should be another chapter tomorrow at some stage :)

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