Chapter 29

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Everything was prepared for later that night, I was going to start cooking it when his parents were here, so I went in the shower. Maxi had told me to dress normally as and i quote "its only my parents" I got in the shower and washed my hair in pleanty of time. I slid on my skinny jeans and an off the shoulder jumper. My hair was still wet when the door bell rang. I started to panick as I was no where near ready

"Coming" I shouted runing towards the door. When I opened it I breathed a sigh of relife, it was Maxi

"Forgot my keys babe" He said smiling and kissing me on the cheek

"I thought it was your parents so I started panicking because I wasnt ready" I said closing the door behind him "Right i'm gonna go and dry my hair and sort it out, because I need to make good first impression" I said running off. After I dried my hair I decided to emphasise my natural waves more, I curled my hair and applied natural make-up, a bit of nude eyeshadow and mascara and applied lip balm. "maxi it's 7:59 are you ready?" I shouted from in the kitchen

"Yes, how do I look?" Maxi said sliding into the kitchen and striking a camp pose.

"Fabulous" I replied giggling. **ding dong** "oh my god that will be them!" I said sounding panicked

"Lottie, you look gorgeous and my parents will love you. now go and open the door" I smiled ad walked over to the door and took a deep breath and opened it

"Well he wasn't lying when he said he had a stunning girlfriend" maxis dad said

"Oh stop it you'll make me blush" I said laughing "nice to finally meet you Robert" I said sticking out my hand for him to shake. he ignored I and went in for a hug

"call be rob" he said smiling "this is my wife Anne"

"Hello lovely to meet you Anne. come in, come in" I said shutting the door behind them

"Here he is. happy birthday son" they said chorused

"I'm just gonna put dinner on, can I get you a drink?" I asked

"Beer for me please" rob said

"I'll have a glass of wine please" said Anne

"Right coming up, ill be back in a mo" I said toddling off into the kitchen. right. I put the sausages in the frying pan and started to cook the potatoes I then returned to the living room with drinks.

"So maxi how was your birthday?'" Anne asked

"Brilliant thank you. I'm glad I got to see my parents too" maxi said smiling. "sorry I've got to go to the loo, won't be a sec" maxi said getting up.

"What's it like living with him?" rob asked

"Terrible, he's so lazy but I love him to bits" I said laughing "so go in then tell me some embarrassing stories from when he was younger." They chuckled to themselves before Rob began

"There was this one time when he was about to when..."

"When what? I'm a boy I don't take that long to wee" maxi said laughing

"...When you were sat in the bath and put bubbles on your chin then ran round the house pretending to be Santa" rob continued. I sat there laughing then Anne suddenly said

"Can anyone smell burning?"

"Shit!" I said jumping to my feet and running into the kitchen. I took the lids off the saucepans and looked inside. everything was burnt. I then looked down at the stove hobs and saw that they had been turned up on full heat, no wonder they were burnt. I walked back into the living room and said

"Maxi turned up the heat so now dinner is burnt. I'll stick with the British theme and order fish and chips. sorry blame maxi" I said giving him a look, he just sat there laughing. 20 minuets later and the fish and chips arrived.

"Take a seat" maxi shouted collecting them from the delivery guy. maxi dished out the portions and we sat down to eat. finally.

"I'd like to make a toast to the birthday boy" Anne said raising her glass

"And to many more birthdays celebrating it with these three amazing people right here" maxi continued. we all clinked glasses and began eating.

"What did you get today then?" Rob asked maxi halfway through the meal

"Well from the lads I got a lot if jokey presents and then from Lottie I got a new watch and plane tickets to London to meet her family, which I'm really looking forward to" maxi said giving me a smile

"Oohh. you'll be meeting her parents maxi, all hell could break loose" rob said laughing

"He'll be meeting my dad, not my mum" I said forcing a small smile

"Oh?" Anne said sounding confused

"My mum died 2 years ago" I began tears beginning to prick up in my eyes "she died of cancer of the blood, leukaemia, I saw her slowly wither away in front of me and it was hard because I remembered how she was so full of life and then how helpless and ill she had become. I'll never forget the day when we were told it was terminal, the chemotherapy and radiotherapy wasn't working and she had a matter of months to live. You just feel so helpless and..." the tears chocked me so I couldn't speak anymore "excuse me" I said standing up and running out of the room. I sat on the edge of the bed in silence I was reminiscing on my mum. then maxi walked in, he didn't ask any questions he just opened up his arms and stroked my hair. we sat like this for a while before I wiped my eyes. I sat up and said "let's go back to your parents"

"I'm so sorry Lottie I didn't mean to upset you" Anne said

"No it's fine, I'm sorry for crying, I don't know what came over me" I replied

"Your mum died you can show sadness every once in a while." Rob said rubbing my arm

It was about 11 o clock when Rob and Anne left.

"Thank you for dinner Lottie, it was lovely to finally meet you after maxi had told us so much about you, and trust me it was all good, I'm sure there isn't a bad thing to say about you" rob joked when he was hugging me saying goodbye.

"You'd be surprised at some of the hidden secrets" I laughed "take care and I'll see you soon hopefully" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Anne then walked over to me

"Thanks for having us Lottie, I'm so sorry if I upset you. but your a fabulous girl and perfect for maxi. so glad we've finally been introduced" she said giving me a hug

"Your very welcome Anne an stop worrying I'm fine, I just have a wobble very now and again, but it wasn't your fault at all" me and maxi stood at the door and waved them off. when we couldn't see them anymore maxi turned to me and said

"Can I have my final birthday present then now?....."

Um guys bad max clothing followed me in twitter today which is technically maxi so maxi followed me..sort of...I screamed it was quite funny to be honest. I have a couple of tests coming up and lots of essays so I'm not sure when the next update will be but I'll try my best :). follow, vote and comment :P xxxx

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