Chapter 12

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It had been two months since the crash, so I was finally off crutches meaning I could do whatever I wanted. It was a beautiful day at Bondi but I had to be in meetings all morning, joy!

Well things between me and maxi had been really good, nothing had happened really we were dating but in secret. The media kept asking if I had a boyfriend but me and maxi decided to keep it a secret for a while longer. So we were happy and comfortable to tell them when we wanted too.

I put the handbrake on the car, switched off the engine and headed in to Kate (our Aussie managers home).

"Hello Lottie! How are you" Kate said whilst air kissing me

"I'm great thanks Hun, so what's install for me?" I asked

"You have so many shoots coming up, the Aussies love you, you also have a few tv interviews, and there is one hot topic!" She said with a big smile

"Okay and that is what?"

"Your love life!" She exclaimed

"My love life is my private life and the media aren't to know about my private life" I said getting agitated

"I know babe, but we have to tell them something"

"Fine. I'll say I have a boyfriend and that's it, I'm not ready to tell them everything yet, it's a new relationship and I don't want to jeopardise it"

"That's understandable honey. How's the hip?" Kate asked

"It's good, I can start to do some exercise today which I'm happy about"

Me and Kate discussed business and then I headed back to maxis.

I had just sat down with a cup of tea when maxi texted

'Can you look after Lucy please, Deanos desperate Mxxxx'

'Sure, on my way Lxxx'

I arrived at the tower and was greeted by the boys, I walked over to maxi and gave him a little kiss in the cheek

"Thank you so much for doing this, Jess and Louise are really busy with work and maxi said you had the afternoon off?" Deano said

"Na, it's fine, will have fun wont we Lucy?" I said taking her little hand "are we gonna say goodbye to daddy?'' I said. Deano picked up his daughter and kissed her and gave her a high five.

"Okay, what do you want to do this afternoon Lucy?"

"Bbeeaaccchhh!" Lucy shouted

"Okay!" I replied with the same enthusiasm.

Just as well I had plans to go to the beach, so I already had my bikini on underneath my clothes.

Me and Lucy paddled in the sea and built a little family of sandcastles before we went home. I needed to go food shopping so I promised Lucy an ice cream after the shop.

"Let's gooo! Quick! I want my ice cream soon!" She said dragging me around the supermarket. We eventually paid and bought Lucy her ice cream, I got one too so we sat on the bench watching the waves crash against the shore.

"Lucy, would you like to go to mine and maxis house, and make a cake?" I asked

"Yesss!'' Lucy said excitedly with ice cream smothered around he face.

We got back to maxis and decided to make a Victoria sandwich cake. I think me and Lucy managed to get more on ourselves and the kitchen counter top than actually in the cake tin. Whilst we waited for the cake to cook me and Lucy sat down an watched Bondi Rescue.

"Look it's daddy!" Lucy shouted every time Deano came on telly. The timer beeped and we got out our cake and made some icing to decorate it with. We decided to colour it blue to match the lifeguards uniform, we had finally finished when I heard a key go in the lock.

"We're home" they shouted as Lucy came running towards Deano with icing round her mouth

"Daddy, look what me and auntie Lottie did! We made a cake"

"That's lovely Darlin'" Deano said with a smile

"Staying for dinner?" I asked

"No it's fine" Deano said

"You may aswell, seeing as you would burn down the house because your wife isn't there to do it for you" I said laughing "it shouldn't take long take a seat" I said whilst walking back over the the dirty worktop.

"Hello my gorgeous" maxi whispered seductively into my ear

"Oh and what can I do for you?" I said turning round kissing maxi slowly and passionately.

"Nothing now, but you might be able to later" he said with a cheeky smirk.

"Oi!" I said slapping his bum, "watch it we have guests"

Eventually dinner was served and they devoured the lot!

"Uncle maxi" Lucy began "do you love auntie Lottie?"

"Yes I do" maxi replied smiling at me

"Well mummy an daddy said that they had me because they loved each other, and you and auntie Lottie love each other so you should have a baby so I can play with them"

"Okay Lucy, they haven't been together long and you can't force people to have babies, just because you want a play buddy" Deano said ruffling Lucy's hair, he smiled apologetically at me an maxi, who both found this situation pretty funny.

"Best be off then, Lucy's bedtime!" Deano announced. Lucy ran up to me and gave me a huge hug

"Fanks for looking after me today, you will be a great mummy and maxi will be a great daddy" she said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you little chef Lucy!" I said "bye Deano" I said hugging him

"Thanks for everything,you didn't have too" he said "sorry if she upset you saying stuff about kids after this whole car crash thing" he whispered

"It's fine, no sweat" I smiled back.

"Bye bye" said maxi waving them off.

He turned to me and grabbed my waist, before saying

"right missy! Get up them stairs"

I giggled and ran up with maxi chasing after me.

A/N. I'm going on holiday for a two weeks so I might not be able to update. I think I have wifi so I will try my best! :D

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