Chapter 28

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I had gotten up extra early to make maxi a special birthday breakfast, scrambled eggs. I put it on a tray, along with his presets and walked into the bedroom. I quietly placed the tray on the bedside table and started singing happy birthday at the top of my lungs. maxis eyes began to flutter open.

"Happy birthday babe" I said laughing at him and kissing him on the lips

"Mmhhh" maxi replied

"No get up lazy bones otherwise your scrambled eggs will go cold"

"Wait scrambled eggs!" maxi said sitting up

"Here you go" I said slipping into bed beside him

"Thank you. what's this" maxi said holding up the two envelops and the box that I had placed on his tray.

"Why you asking me, open them and you'll find out" I giggled

"Okay which one first?" maxi asked

"Err the blue envelope" I said smiling. maxi opened the birthday card first then I said "okay now the white one" I said getting really exited. maxis face was a picture, he was so surprised. "so whatcha think?" I asked

"Babe! that's fantastic thank you. I can't wait" maxi said leaning over and kissing me on the lips

"Your welcome, you'll get to meet the family" I said laughing. me and maxi we're going to London for ten days, so we could sightsee and meet my family. "okay know the box" I said enthusiastically

"You didn't need to get me anything else"

"I know, but I did so....OPEN it!" maxi ripped open the wrapping and looked at the box looking slightly puzzled.

"A new omega watch, how did you know I wanted one of these" he gasped in awe

"Your mates have there uses"

"Come here you" maxi said. I sat on top of him and looked into his eyes "I love you Lottie"

"I love you to maxi. now off to work we don't want you to come home late and be late to your parents because you were being lazy this morning" I said giving him a quick kiss and sliding off the bed.

"Lottie, it's my birthday" maxi said grabbing my arm

"Yes I know it is maxi, but wait until later" I said laughing knowing that he would find it hard to do.

"How did you know what I was gonna ask?"

"Because your a boy, too predictable." Me and maxi both got ready for work and it was about middy when I got a text off maxi

'Never guess what, mum and dads cookers' broken, can you cook tonight.' Oh my lord, I'll probably poison them and kill them. I text back

'Sure thing babe as long as you'll help me plan a speech to say at the funeral cause they might die with my cooking'

'No they be fine, I've survive haven't I?' Cheeky boy I thought to myself.

'I'll pretend I didn't read that. What shall I cook?' I asked

'Something traditionally British' came the reply

'Bangers and mash?' I asked knowing maxi wouldn't know what the hell I was talking about

'Sure? i'll pretend I know what that is' he replied.

I got home at four ready to prepare everything for later that evening. I cleaned the apartment head to toe and began to prepare tonight's meal. I hope I won't poison them, I kept thinking.....

Right so the actual meal will be tomorrow nights chapter so you'll have to wait a see how that goes..... follow, vote and comment. thank you:) xxxx

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