Chapter 9 - Maxi's POV

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It was way past eleven and I was beginning to get worried about Lottie, she should have text or called by now. I pulled my phone out of my pocked and dialled her just rang and rang. I got up to make a cup of coffee when my phone rang, I ran over to it expecting it to be Lottie but it was Jesse.

"Hey, erm mate there's been an accident"

"Between who? What's happened? Are they okay?" I frantically fired questions at Jesse

"It's Lottie, she's been in a car crash, the paramedics couldn't get hold of you, get yourself down to St Vincent's Hospital now!" replied Jesse.

I couldn't take all of this is I ran to the car and floored it all the way to the hospital. When I got there I ran to the front desk

"Lottie Bonner, she was in a car crash, where is she?" I said to the woman on the front desk.

"She's not in a room at the moment she is in theatre and then she will be going back to the ICU, her friends are in the room down the corridor, titled 'relatives'"

I ran down the corridor to the room and I pushed open the door ran over to Jesse and sobbed.

"Wh...wha...what's happened, is there any news?" I asked drying my eyes.

"Mate, I've told you all I know, she was involved in a big collision, the paramedics have rushed her into theatre and then she will go back into the ICU, I'm so sorry." Jesse said

"They have gone to operate on her uterus and hip and she needs to go for a scan to see if there is damage to her neck and if there is then...then..." Jess said breaking into tears

"Then...she could be quadriplegic, BUT that would be in an extreme circumstance" Jesse finished for her.

"Oh my god, it's all my fault, I shouldn't let her have gone out by herself" I said

"That wouldn't have helped the situation at all would it? you and her would have both been injured and in the ICU now" Taco said whilst rubbing my back.

"I need to see her; I need to know that she's okay. how comes I wasn't rung first?" I said, "my phone was by my side the whole night?"

"The paramedics tried to ring you but it was engaged, so they rang the next person on her 'recently phoned list' which was me, then when we got a signal at the hospital Jesse rang you" Jess said. there was a quiet knock at the door and a nurse walked in

"Mr Maxwell can I talk to you outside" she said with a small smile. I got up and followed her out of the room

"As you were the last dialled on miss Bonner's phone we take it you are close with her?" she asked me

"Err yeah, she's my girlfriend, how is she? can I see her?" I said

"Well the surgery went really well, we managed to stop the bleeding which was in her fallopian tube but because the car hit miss Bonner on her right hand side it meant that her fallopian tube got crushed, the bleeding has been stopped but it will make her chances of conceiving naturally a lot harder as she only has one functioning fallopian tube. She has a broken hip and severe whiplash but Mr Maxwell your girlfriend has been lucky she could have had suffered brain damage or a broken spine which could have been life threatening. she's in the intensive care unit now, but I must warn you she is still unconscious. I'll take you there now, and I'll come back and tell her friends what I've. just told you." said the nurse. she led me to the room and I walked in to see my beautiful girlfriend battered and bruised. "Mr Maxwell before I go I must warn you that when your girlfriend comes round she will have to be interview by the police as this was a car crash which is believed to have been deliberate. the police are at the scene now collecting evidence."

I walked over to Lottie; she looked so peaceful, just like she was asleep. I kissed her hand softly and held it tightly. I couldn't think about anything other than my girlfriend being in danger and me being unable to help. I just wished this whole nightmare was over. I began to talk to her to help wake her up

"Hey baby girl, its maxi, yeah? do you remember me, our first meeting, when you were wearing nothing but a towel, I always thought that the towel would look better on the floor but I kept that one to myself. I know boys aren't very open about are feelings but I love you, I've loved you ever since our eyes locked when we were getting a coffee after the photo shoot, I love you so much it hurts, and baby it hurts more when I can't protect you, and I wish I could, I wish I could be the one lying in this bed, but I can't do that, but what I am gonna do is help you get better, I'll help you get through this, and yes it will be tough but I know, in the short time that I've known you, you'll fight through this because you're a little solider, my little solider and I love you to infinity and beyond. look at me being all soppy, but baby I promise to stand by your side and never leave you, I'll be waiting here night and day until you come round and say some witty comment and insult me, but I won't care, because I'll know that if your making jokes you'll be okay. I love you baby, and don't you even think about leaving me, you mean too much"

I softly kissed her on the forehead and stroked her hair. I looked up at the door to see Jess standing there I nodded and she came in. we didn't say anything we were both thinking the same thing so we sat in silence each holding one of Lottie's hands.

It must have been about half past four in the morning when the piercing sound started, I woke and jumped to my feet the cardiac monitor had a flat beep, shit! no don't die on me don't die. the nurses came rushing in and pulled me and Jess out of the room. I sat on the chair and broke down into hysterical sobs, I listened into the nurses to see if I could hear what they were saying.

"No pulse, grab the defib, stand clear! no pulse, charging, stand clear" and then finally I began to hear the beep, beep of the machine, she was back, the nurses had brought her back. the next thing I saw was Lottie's, bed being pushed down the corridor

"Hey where are you going?" I shouted

"To do a scan and maybe theatre, stay calm Mr Maxwell, we'll update you if there is any news". I looked over to Jess and we hugged each other knowing that someone who meant so much to us both had both died and had thankfully been brought back to life, but she was off to theatre to operate again, and who knew if she would survive this.

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