Chapter 16

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**jess pov**

10 years ago today. The crash happened. The flames. The heat. The screams. The burning alive. The day I lost everything.

Today would be a very difficult day. I still hadn't told Jesse but how could i? The weather was the same, windy and dark gloomy grey skies. The same as the morning of the crash. I felt really alone today, Jesse was at work, Lottie was at work, Louise had left the country and even maxi was working. Everyone I cared about was busy, busy with there own lives, so busy that they don't have time for a stupid little girl like me.

**Lottie's pov**

The minuet I had woken up today I had realised that Jess would find it difficult. 10 years ago today her parents died in the car crash. I pulled out my phone

'Hey jess, I'm full with meetings this morning, so I'll pop over the moment I've finished which will be at about 2 I think, if they don't run over. Be strong today. Ily xxxx.' I wasn't sure if anyone else knew and I felt horrible for not being with Jess on a day she needed me most but I'd see her later and it would all be okay.

**7pm (Lottie's pov)**

The meetings had gone on all day, planning schedules and promotion work. I pulled out my phone and called jess. No answer. She hasn't replied to my text from earlier. Maybe her battery had died. I rang Jesse.

"Hey Lottie"

"Hey jesse, are you with jess?" I asked

"No, I've just finished work, I'm on route home now. Why what's up"

"Jesse stay at the tower I'll meet you there." I got in the car and drove all the way to the tower and I was starting to panic now, Jess had been alone on a difficult day and she wasn't answering calls or texts.

**Jess pov**

The rain starting bouncing off the roof at quarter to seven. I didn't want Jesse to see me like this, it had to be done before he got home. I walked past the kitchen worktop and saw my phone. Two texts and five missed calls, mainly all from Lottie. I ignored them all and sent a final text to Lottie

'I have to go. Today has been hard for me and I miss my parents dearly, I have to join them. I will look down at you from heaven and watch over you and protect you. You have meant so much to me over the years and we have been really close since secondary school. Enjoy your life, I hope you live a happy and healthy life. Goodbye. Jess xxxxxx.' I hit the send button, walked into the bathroom and got the pills.

**lotties pov**

My phone beeped and it was a text from Jess. I opened it.

'I have to go. Today has been hard for me and I miss my parents dearly, I have to join them. I will look down at you from heaven and watch over you and protect you. You have meant so much to me over the years and we have been really close since secondary school. Enjoy your life, I hope you live a happy and healthy life. Goodbye. Jess xxxxxx.'

I let out a loud scream and shouted for Jesse and maxi. I shoved the phone in there faces and sobbed.

"Shit" maxi said. Jesse stood there speechless.

"We need to go, we could save her" I said pulling maxi my the arm. My visibility was poor because the tears were streaming from my eyes. "Drive" I shouted when we all got in the car. I put on my seatbelt and tried jess mobile, but it rang and rang.

** Jesse pov**

When Lottie showed me her phone my whole world felt like it crumbled around me. Me and Maxi were doing the ride for this reason we were trying to prevent it. Maxi floored it all the way back to my house, it felt like it took forever, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. We finally got home, and I had no idea what to expect.

I unlocked the door and Lottie ran in first. She went straight to the bathroom, while I searched the bedroom and maxi went on the balcony.

"She's here, call an ambulance there's a week pulse, she's taken an overdose" Lottie shouted from the bathroom.

"Please don't die Jess" I said through the tears.

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