Chapter 30

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It was a hot day in Sydney, maxi was work and I had just finished work. I parked at the beach and took my bag into the toilets. I got changed out of my t-shirt and shorts and put on my emergency bikini, and yes this was an emergency because I didn't want to drive home in the blistering heat. I walked back to the car and chucked my clothes in. I slipped off my flip flops and walked on the sand, nearly jumping five foot in the air it was that hot. I slid them back on and walked down the beach.

"Oi" someone shouted from behind me. it was bacon and jake sat in the rhino.

"Alright boys" I said retracing my steps and walking over to them

"Going for a swim?" jake asked

"Going for a cool off more like its so hot! you boys been busy today?" I asked

"Yes, everyone's running in the sea to cool off and they can't swim, it's manic!" bacon said

"You think you'll be knocking off late?" I asked

"Yeah defo. gotta run" bacon said stripping off his shirt and grabbing a board before running into the sea to rescue the struggling swimmer.

"I'll leave you to do your job Hun, don't want anyone drowning" I laughed "I'll speak to you later" I said waving goodbye to jake

"Swim in between the flags" jake shouted after me. I turned round and have a thumbs up. I finally reached the sea and the cool water washed over my feet cooling them. I placed my flip flops down on the sand and walked in the water slowly. I kept walking further into the sea until my shoulder were wet. I stood there and let the water wash over me when

"Ouch" I said aloud, I felt a stinging sensation on my foot and on my thigh. I walked out I the water to see what it was. I had little rashes on different parts of my body, my foot, thigh, bikini line, wrist, elbow and breast. "Bluebottles" I thought to myself as I plodded back up the beach to the tower. I knocked on the door and Jesse opened it

"Alright Lottie?" he asked giving me a smile

"Bluebottles" I replied

"Oh come in take a seat. where are they?" Jesse asked, I told them where they were and he decided maxi should spray them considering some of the places were a bit revealing to spray

"Maxi, it's your girlfriend, she just can't keep away" Jesse shouted

"Haha" I said sarcastically. maxi appeared from round the corner and said

"You alright?"

"Bluebottles" I said with a sigh "spray me please, Jesse doesn't feel comfortable doing it"

"Where are they?" maxi said picking up the bottle

"my foot, thigh, bikini line, wrist, elbow and breast" I said

"Oh" maxi said smiling "come here and I'll do it" I followed maxi over to the corner and he sprayed my stings

"Don't feel them do you, little buggers" I exclaimed. maxi laughed

"All done. Lottie, gonna knock off late tonight I reckon cause of the heat wave and stuff, so I'll see you later" maxi said kissing me on the lips

"Alight" I said with a sigh "ill see you later, love you". I walked out of the tower back into the blistering heat. god it was hot!

Sorry this is short, had writers block! Vote, follow and comment my loves :) xxxxx

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