Chapter 8

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Serious and important. Those were the exact words that my parents used to tell me that my mum had stage two breast cancer. As I approached the lifeguard tower I took a deep breath and knocked on the door
"It's open lottie" I heard someone shout. I pushed open the door and walked in
"Hey boys" I said smiling
"Take a seat" said Bacon, well I think it was Bacon? "I'm Bacon nice to meet you lottie" he said smiling, yes score I got his name right!
"Right Lottie you can't be mad but I've told the boys everything" I gave maxi a look of disbelief
"i got into work and there was this" maxi handed me a blue envelope with 'maxi' printed on it, I looked up at him "open it" he said with concerned eyes

'Found you, Maxi I know everyone loves you, including your girlfriend Lottie, but I've found someone who doesn't love you...ME. I'm gonna get ya, did you enjoy making Lottie those bacon sandwiches this morning? See ya in hell'

"He's found you, he knows where you work and live he's sending you death threats, it's all my fault, I'm so sorry" I whispered through sobs
"It's okay" maxi said trying to calm me down
"No! It's not fucking okay Maxi someone wants to kill us both and there's nothing we can do, we have no idea who this syco is and their probably watching us now, planning our fucking deaths!!" I shouted
"I know, I know and I'm not gonna lie I'm bloody scared now, but I won't let anything to you, this is why I told the boys, their gonna protect you, now they know they can help" maxi said cradling me. I looked up through teary eyes and smiled at the boys
"Your safe with us" Jesse said whilst opening his arms, I stood up and hugged him and the rest of the lifeguards joined in into a big group hug. We all sat down and kerrbox said
"I know this is an upsetting topic Lottie but you've gotta talk about it, think of anyone who it could be, the sooner we find out who it is the sooner all of this will be over"
"It's not just one person though" I said quietly
"How do you know? What do you mean?" They boys said
"Think about it, I haven't been in Australia that long to have made any enemies, so it must be an old acquaintance or something, who has moved from England over here and I hadn't realised. It could be one person who has got a grudge against me and that individual is getting to me and his 'worker' people have found out stuff about maxi" I said. The boys muttered a mix of "mmmm" and "yeahs" in response. Just as they said this my phone beeped

'When you gonna understand me lottie, the less they know the better for you and lover boy. This should be a secret and what are we supposed to do with secrets? Keep them, we wouldn't want people knowing all of your secrets now would we?'

"Wait how do they have my number? Boys this isn't one of you fucking around because its gone way past a joke now" I said looking at them
"No god no, lottie! It's not any of us I promise"
"okay sorry, I'm just ruling people off of who it could be"
"I know who it could be" whippet said "the day of the photoshoot that photographer, she didn't take a shine to you" whip said suggestively
"She wouldn't want to kill Maxi though or know where I live" I said with a grateful smile. "Thanks for everything boys but you have a job to do and saving lives is far more important than finding a syco, and besides I have to go to work. Thanks for everything" I said getting up and hugging and kissing them all on the cheek "I'll let you know if anything else happens"
"Lottie ring me when you get home so I know your safe" said maxi who kissed me gently on the lips. I nodded in response
"Bye boys" I said as I walked out if the tower door shutting it firmly behind me.

I got in my black range rover and drove about 30 minuets to the shoot this shoot was one of my favourite types of modelling, I liked getting made up and wearing beautiful dresses,which was what I was modelling today. I pulled up and made my way into the building, I was met by Hannah, my hair and makeup artist and she got me ready for the shoot. I was looking through the clothing rail of all the beautiful dresses, there was long prom dresses, casual maxi dresses, little black dresses and of course my favourite type of dresses, sparkly ones! I put on a knee length peach dress and the bust was covered in sequins. Overall there was about eleven dresses. After the shoot it was about half past ten at night so I said my goodbyes and headed home.

I put the radio on quietly as I didn't fancy having a thirty minuet silence all the way home. I joined the motorway which was a sign that I was about ten minuets away from home. I looked in the mirror to see bright lights that made me loose my vision. A red car came speeding up past me followed by an electric blue car that swerved right into me. The white car behind me hit the brakes but not in time as the white car had crashed into the back of me, and I had flown through the windscreen.

Now I was lying on the ground unconscious.....

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