Chapter 23

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It was the launch of the ride today and I woke up feeling sick with nerves. we were meeting at Bondi at 11 to wave the boys off so I sat there in bed with maxi snuggling. My head was rested on his chest as he traced circles on my arm

"Hey you alright, your a bit quite this morning" maxi said suddenly

"I'm fine, just taking in the fact your gonna be away for over two weeks" I mumbled. maxi slid his arm under me and hugged me tightly and kissed my bare shoulder.

"You'll be fine. I'll try my hardest to ring you whenever I can." I felt a tear slip out and roll down my cheek so I quickly wiped it and turned over so my back was facing him and I laid there sobbing. "Hey. hey don't cry Lottie" he soothed "what's wrong, I don't want my last memory of you to be you crying"

"Last memory?" I said sobbing

"No I didn't mean it like that babe. Hey c'mon" maxi said rubbing my back and hugging me

"I haven't been honest with you about all this" I said in-between sobs "I'm so scared that something will happen to you and you'll be stranded at sea and no one will be able to help you or the jet ski will break down and a shark will eat you and I haven't said anything because I couldn't your doing this for charity and I would just sound like a selfish brat all because she was worried about we boyfriend. I'm sorry I've bottled it up and I haven't told you but I didn't know how too" I turned round to face him. he propped himself up and looked into my eyes

"Do you know what your problem is, you have an over imaginative imagination and you worry too much. I'm a lifeguard I'll protect my own life for the sake of yours. you don't need to worry about me. you'll see me in sixteen days and well go back to how we are right now. you should have talked to me and not bottle it all up and I promise I wouldn't have thought you were a selfish brat because its called caring. I love you so much Lottie and I know now that I want to spend the rest if my life with you, when I get back we'll go to England and meet your family and will travel the world together then, when YOUR ready we will get married and try for kids, and I will support you through all of that, no matter what. Your my everything" he said before leaning in and kissing my lips passionately. I grabbed the back of his head and we broke apart and I gazed into his eyes and said

"Your my rock and I could never be without you" before continuing with a passionate kiss.

**11 o clock. Bondi beach**

Me and maxi walked hand in hand down the beach to the lifeguard tower where we were met by bacon, Jesse, jake, Jess, whippet, Deano, hoppo, and Reidy.

"Heya" i said walking in still holding maxis hand

"Hello" came everybody's response

"We're all ready to go, we just need to get on the skis" Jesse said

"Alright. let me just say good bye, outside., privately." maxi said leading me outside the tower. "I'm not going to say goodbye because it isn't good bye I'll see you very soon and whenever we are in a town and there's wifi I will call and Skype you. I'm gonna miss you so much, but as they say distance makes the heart grow fonder. but I don't think that's possible in my case because I'm fond of you already. I love you and I'll see you later" maxi said kissing me. I deepened the kiss and felt fireworks burst in my tummy.

"I love you. but I'll see you in a while crocodile" I gave maxi a final hug and walked over to Jesse and whispered

"Take good care of him and be safe. you two are the most inspirational people I've ever met. thank you and good luck buddy." I walked back up to the tower and into Jess' arms. I'm such a sensitive person and I was gonna miss maxi so much. but I was proud of what he was doing and proud to call him my boyfriend...

**maxi pov**

Before I left for the ride I told the boys in the tower to take good care of Lottie. "make sure she's okay and comfort her when she misses me. act like brother to her and fill the hole I'm going to leave when I'm gone" I gave each lad a hug before jumping on the ski and driving into the ocean with my best mate by my side.

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