Chapter 10 - Maxi's POV (Part 1)

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It's was about ten o'clock when the nurses brought Lottie back, she was alive and on the mend. Her spleen had ruptured during the surgery and so she became very close to death, but the nurses said that she may come round later this afternoon, which I was thrilled about. I sat back down at her bedside and spoke to her again

"Hey Lot, you had me and Jess really worried then, your heart stopped beating babe, but the nurses brought you back, I couldn't bare to loose you. There's so much I've realised being sat here, it's gives you so much time to think, and other than realising that I couldn't live without you I've realised that I need to be with you forever, so when the timings right we'll get married and maybe start a family because you're my absolute world. So baby keep holding on." I knew that Lottie loved Avril Lavigne and I thought that now was an appropriate time to sing her one of her favourite songs

" You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand, when it gets cold, and it feels like the end, there's no place to go, you know I won't give in, no I won't give in. Keep holding on, 'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through, just stay strong, 'cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you" I sang before kissing her head. I was looking at Lottie when I suddenly saw her eye twitch, I thought I was seeing things but then I felt my hand been squeezed

"Lottie, baby?" I said with a croak in my voice. The nurse came in and unclipped some of the wires and she did a few tests and Lottie had come round. I rang the lads and the Jess and Louise and they came to the hospital and spoke to Lottie while I went home and slept.

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