Chapter 21

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It was the night of the party and I was so excited. I was sat in the bedroom curling my hair an listening to music.

"Babe have you seen my shirt?" maxi shouted from the bathroom

"It's in here!" I shouted back. I had a small section of my hair left to curl when I burnt my finger on the tongs. "shit! wow that's hot! ouch" I said running into the bathroom and running it under the tap.

"That was silly wasn't it" a smug voice came from behind me

"Not funny" I replied keeping my hand under the tap. I couldn't even feel my finger because it was so numb with cold.

"Do you want me to kiss is better?" maxi asked

"Seriously stop taking the piss" I said playfully punching his arm

"Lemme see" maxi said grabbing my arm "ouch, that looks painful"

"Oh well done Einstein" I said pulling away

"Nooo! let me kiss it better" maxi said and before I could say no his lips was on my finger "better?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"No" I replied laughing

"Oi! You were meant to say that it was all better" maxi said pouting

"Okay okay, it's all better thank you doctor maxi. now I need to get ready" I said laughing. I returned to the bedroom and did finished my hair before doing my make up, smokey eyes and red lips. I was putting on my dress when maxi walked in

"Ah ha! do up the back please" I asked maxi. I didn't feel him do the zip up instead he pulled it down "maxi! stop. later" I said

"Lottie!" He said like a whining toddler "can we stay at home please, they won't notice were not there please" he said giving me the puppy dog eyes

"Maxi it's your party so of course they'll know your not there. I organised it too an the puppy dog eyes won't work on me!" I said laughing. maxi finally gave in, did up my dress and we got in the car and drove the small distance to Bondi.

Me and Jess had been busy getting everything ready and the beach looked stunning! there were candles and fairy lights illuminating the beach and there was a small clearing where the dance floor was. we had a small bar, a DJ and a karaoke.

"Lott, I forgot to say how beautiful you look tonight and I am the luckiest guy in the world. I love you" maxi pulled me into and hug and kissed me on the cheek so he didn't muck up my lipstick! we walked hand in hand down the beach to the party. When we approached the boys they all turned their heads and stared with their mouths open. all of a sudden I heard a squeal coming from behind me. it was Jess. she gave me and massive hug and said how wonderful I looked and I wasn't used to having a lot of attention so laughed nervously back. I then turned back round to the boys who were still stood their staring with their mouths .open.

"You look fabulous" Jesse said coming over and giving me a hug

"Thanks" I blushed. "c'mon lets get this party started" I said moving over to the bar.

** 2 hours later **

2 hours later....and a lot of alcohol consumption later I found myself stood in front of everyone with the microphone in my hand about to sing "make you feel my love" by adele. not my choice, the boys. normally I wouldn't do this but I was tipsy so I didn't feel the nerves. the intro played and I began singing

"When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love" it sounded just like it had when I had singing lessons when I was fourteen. I remembered all the breath control and the length of time the notes needed to be held for. then I sang the last line

"Go to the ends of the world for you. to make you feel my love" and I looked up at the small crowd and smiled. singing had been my passion for my whole life, but I got spotted by a modelling agency so I never perscued my dream, but singing was all I ever wanted to do.

"Encore! encore! encore!" the boys started shouting.

"Okay! How about "hey big spender?" I asked and the boys cheered in response. the big beat at the beginning of the song always gave me goosebumps for some reason. and I began singing again

"The minuet you walked in the joint, I could see you were a man of distinction a real big spender"

I sang the song and it brought back what it felt like to sing a song well. I came off stage and Jess came up to me and said

"I've missed your singing. fab!" I then walked over to maxi who looked at me in awe.

"Wow! what a voice!" he said kissing me.

"Can I have your attention please" Gonzo slurred from the stage. "I'm gonna sing the maccerana" he shouted

"Sing it?" I asked maxi, "how do you sing the maccerana?" I laughed

"I don't know but I think Gonzo is gonna regret this when I upload it to YouTube." maxi laughed evilly. Gonzo began and I thought my ears were burning, I looked round at everyone else and I think they were thinking the same thing.

Me and maxi said our goodbyes at about half past two in the morning and headed home. what a fabulous night!

** maxi pov **

I couldn't believe how talented Lottie was, I had filmed her and I was going to upload it to youtube to show the world how fabulous and talented she is.

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