Chapter 26

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I woke up at middy and the light was pouring through the curtains. I got out of bed and walked into the living room and switched on my phone. my phone started vibrating violently with texts and missed calls. *202 new text messages* *131 missed calls.* they weren't just from maxi though, they were from news reporters, my management, the lifeguards and Jess. I opened a text from Kate, my manager

'Hun, I'm so sorry to hear about last night, take today off, I hope you can sort this out, your such a beautiful couple. call me if you need me.' The texts were pretty similar from people, i decided to listen to a voice mail from maxi

"Lottie, I'm sorry, I'm more sorry than you could ever imagine. please let me explain, I'm staying at Jesses please let me explain, face to face. I love you" maxi said at the end, his voice sounding cracked. I sighed and realised that he was right. I got showered, removed my tear stained make up from last night and got changed. it was a bright sunny day, so I put on denim shorts and a flowing tie dyed top and fish plaited my damp shower hair. I was about to walk out of the apartment when my phone rang, it was Jess

"Maxis desperate to see you, you gonna come and speak to him? oh and don't go into the news agents. how are you anyway?" Jess' voice sounded quick and panicky

"I'm guessing I'm splashed all over the front pages then" I said sound pissed "I'm coming to see maxi now so I'll guess I'll fill you in when I see you in a bit" I replied

"Oh okay. see you later Hun" Jess said sounding relaxed an then she hung up.

I walked down the drive, and got in the car and drove to the local newsagents. I put on my sunglasses in the hope no-one would see me, I kept my head ducked and walked in. I wondered over to the back corner where all the gossip magazines were for sale.

"Loxi over" one read

"She called me a slut then slapped me"

"Messy public fight"

"Lottie Bonner cheated on"

"No wedding then as Loxi breaks up publicly" the headlines went on and on I picked up the one titled

"she called me a slut then she slapped me." I skim read the article, anger building inside of me. And I left the shop got in the car and speed all the way to Jess and Jesses house. as I pulled up on the drive I felt really nervous, I got out of the car and knocked on the door before taking a couple of steps back. When the door opened it was Maxi. He had clearly made an effort as I could tell he had just shaved, from the strong smell of his aftershave.

"Hi" I said smiling slightly

"Thanks so much for coming. come in" maxi said leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. I shook my head and walked passed him and saw Jess stood there

"Heya" she said pulling me into a hug "I've been worried about you" she whispered

"Why, you know me, I'm a fighter" I said shrugging. "I should have listened to you about the magazines" I said looking up at her. Jess just gave me a disapproving look

"Okay well me and Jess, will make ourselves scarce and give you time to talk" Jesse said putting his sunglasses on and walking out of the door with Jess in tow.

"You have an hour" I said to maxi sternly

"Come into the living room and take a seat" maxi said with a quiver in his voice. "Lottie" he began "it didn't mean anything, she didn't mean anything, but you do. you mean everything to me, your my world. I was drunk and stupid and.."

"You don't have a full on game of tonsil tennis when your drunk maxi. you dance on tables or start singing in the middle of the street. What you did was uncalled for, it wasn't you being drunk and stupid..." I interrupted

"I'm sorry" maxi whispered

"Sorry just doesn't cut it maxi!" I shouted, tears escaping my eyes "I missed you, I was depressed and lonely. I needed your help and the first night we're back together, you kiss another girl" I said clenching my fists.

"Do you love me?" Maxi said out of the blue

"Do I love you?" I asked, maxi nodded in response "I can't stop loving you maxi, so if course I love you, I don't trust you, and there is no point of a relationship if there is no trust. relationships are built on trust maxi"

"What do you want me to do?" maxi asked with tears in his eyes. I sighed

"I don't know" I said placing my head in my hands "we had something special maxi, I believe that, I loved you and I thought we were the right people for each other. I wish I could forget what happened last night but I can't" I said


"Because you broke my heart publicly and smashed it into a million pieces and the worst part is you promised me you would never break my heart. You said you weren't like all them others boys who had left me heart broken before and I believed you. So you lied to me and cheated on me" I said unable to control the constant stream of tears flowing down my cheeks. maxi didn't say a word

"Lottie, lemme just say this, you are single handily the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. Last night didn't mean anything to me, when I kissed her it didn't feel like it feels like with you. when I kiss you I feel fireworks in my tummy, you make me feel wanted and its like you understand me more than anyone else ever had. When you said you'd felt depressed and lonely I blamed my self it's my job as your boyfriend to make you feel loved and wanted and I let you down. and I promise I'll never do that again, I know this probably won't change anything but I beg you Lottie, take me back. ill never make your feel this again, please give me a chance" maxi said desperation shone through his watery eyes.

"I can't, not right now. I love you and I'm not denying that. I don't want to be put thorough heartbreak time after time after time" I began

"And you won't, just let me prove that to you"

"I can't take that risk. I'm sorry" I said slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading for the front door. maxi got up and grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against the wall, he crashed his lips against mine and I felt the very same fireworks explode in my stomach that maxi had just described. We broke out of the kiss and maxi looked me in the eyes and said

"Don't lie to me and tell me you didn't enjoy that" It was true I had enjoyed that but I could take him back just because of one kiss...

"One chance and you only chance" I said. maxi breathed a sigh of relief and murmured

'Thank you" in my ear "lets go home" he whispered dragging me behind him.

I knew Maxi was the one, so I gave him leeway just so long as he knew he would be out of the door on his bum if he did something like that again...

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