Chapter 27

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*BEEP BEEP* The piercing sound of the alarm woke me

"Turn it off!" I groaned rolling over and shoving the pillow on my face, finally the piercing sound stopped "Ugh what time is it?" I asked Maxi

"6:30, come on get your arse up" Maxi said

"Nooo, go away" I said pulling the duvet above my head

"Don't make me get you up" Maxi said attempting to pull the duvet off me

"You don't have to, leave me here to sleep"

"No, I need to go to work as do you, get up, I'll tickle you" Maxi said seriousness etched his voice

"You wouldn't dare!" My voice sounded muffled by the duvet

"3,2,1 tickle attack!" Maxi shouted. I started hysterically screaming

"Stop! Maxi! Stop! Okay! I'm getting out of bed! Jeesh!" I plodded into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereals, and boiled the kettle for a cuppa tea. Maxi got into the shower so I thought it was about time for a prank. I opened the cupboard by the boiler and flicked the switch 'hot water off' moments later I heard an ear piercing girly scream.

"Maxi" I shouted trying to contain my laughter "Are you alright?" I asked biting my gum to stop myself laughing.

"You! Where are you?" I heard Maxi shout

"In the kitchen" I replied. Maxi appeared at the kitchen door with a towel wrapped round his waist and a damp torso

"Are you okay?" I asked acting as if I didn't know what was going on

"I was having a lovely shower and then all of a sudden the water went cold..."

"Oh no, I hope the boiler hasn't broken" I said sarcastically

"I wouldn't be worried about the bolier if I was you" Maxi said

"Wait? What? What should I be worried about then" I asked feeling really confused

"Me!" Maxi said charging towards me and pushing me on the sofa. I started crying with laughter,

"Maxi, get off" I pleaded

"Make me"

"Okay fine." I sat up and lightly kneed him in the balls.

"Ooohhh. Okay I'm off" maxi said getting up off me

"Hurry up and get to work!" I said ushering him to the bedroom to get dressed

"Right I'm off have a good session at the studio and I'll see you later" maxi said walking in and kissing me on the cheek a few minuets later.

"Take care, have a good first day back babe" I said waving him off. I walked back into the kitchen to a rather soggy bowl of cereals. I ate breakfast and got myself ready for the studio...

**later that evening**

"It's your birthday tomorrow babe, you looking forward to it?" I asked looking up at maxi from our cuddle

"No, I'll be getting wrinkles soon" maxi said imitating a three year old

"Well I'll still love you when your old and grey" I said smiling

"Ah talking about old and grey you've reminded me of something" maxi said sitting up straight

"Oh? what's that?"

"Tomorrow evening me and you are going to my parents house for dinner" maxi said smiling

"I'm meeting your parents?" I said in disbelief

"Yes what's wrong with that?" maxi asked

"What if they hate me, or I say something stupid so they won't let us be together?" I asked as my bottom lip quivered threatening to let out tears

"Why would they hate you? I've told them so much about you an they are dying to meet you. and if they hate you, which they won't then, i'll make them see sense" maxi said wiping my teary cheeks

"Okay" I said smiling "so the plan is wake up and presents, work then to your parents for dinner?"

"That's right, going round to there's at about 8?" Maxi asked

"Sure that's fine. I've just got what you meant by old and grey. horrible son" I said swiping a punch at his arm then laughing.

"Hey that hurt" maxi said jokingly "are you even watching this film"

"Nope not really" I answered

"Maybe we could do something more useful with our time then" maxi said giving me a cheeky smile. "I've been staved of it for to long" maxi said threatening to go into toddler mode again

"Wow! quite the romantic" I said sarcastically. I grabbed his arm and we ran into the bedroom. What a lovely evening....

Sorry this is a bit pants I couldn't really write much more otherwise it would have gone into the next chapter.

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