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The concert was in 3 days... 3 Days!!

I still hadn't found a replacement for Alex. I thought about Jake but he was mostly Alex's friend, so that wouldn't be a good idea at the moment. Then came Megg. Nope, she had a gig that same night.

Rozzi: hey babe! Imy Scottlanta!

I gasped. Perfect!

I haven't seen Rozzi in months! She'd love to tag along with me and she appreciates their music!

Scott: wyd Thursday?
Rozzi: I'm guessing doing w/e u have planned? Lol
Scott: we're gonna see Tetratonix.
Rozzi: are u lying to me Scott Hoying?
Scott: nope! U get to see Avi up close & personal.
Rozzi: AHHH! Scott. ily. Don't forget that!


Rozzi and I made sure we color coordinated but I still had to make sure Michael knew what I was gonna be wearing so we could finally meet. So I decided to text him.

Our friendship had blossomed into something really beautiful over this past week. Can you believe it? Its been a week and we are already so close minus the miles between us.

Scooter: hey babe, are u single?

Mikey: no. I'm plural.

Scooter: ...Are u free Thursday?

Mikey: nope. I'm expensive!

Scooter: Mikey, stooppppp LOL

I couldn't stop laughing. His humor was so strange, but I guess he could say the same thing about mine. The crazy part though, is that we both understand each other.

Mikey: I'm sorry hunty, but I think someone gave u the wrong digits! I'm Michelle 🙊

Scooter: isn't that how we got in this mess in the first place? 😂

Mikey: vvv accurate haha

Scooter: so I'm gonna send u a pic of my outfit. Can I see urs?

Mikey: ooh. Kinky! Yes G*d!

Scooter: I'm cry-ing!

Mikey: omg u need to dab ur wetties.

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