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"Scott you didn't have to do this." I say as he poured me a glass of Chardonnay, "Yeah, but I wanted to. And I'm being selfish because I wanted to get you alone." Aww. "We haven't been on a date since that movie." "Exactly. We needed some us time." I liked that, us time, "That has a nice ring to it." I say.

Scott suddenly starts to laugh nervously. Uh oh. Did I mess something up? "Funny you should say that." I scrunch my brows together. "Say what?" "Ring."

I gasped as I watched him get down on one knee. I can't breathe. Oh my god! Oh my god! "Scott. Scott get up. Oh my god." I get out as I cover my mouth. "Well, can't really propose standing up. That's not the way its done." Scott said, laughing. He pulled out a black box and opened it. My eyes widened. It was a beautiful Rose Gold band. Oh Jesus. If I wasn't already sitting down, I would've needed tontake several seats.

"Mitch," Scott started to say, "I know we've only been dating for a few months, and believe me Kirstie thought I was crazy for this, but I know that I love you and I will always continue to love you."

Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm gonna cry.

"Ever since I stumbled upon Tetratonix, in was captivated by you. This guy from the same place I was, making his dreams come true. You were so beautiful and you still are. You make me fall in love with you every time I see your face."

I. Am. Ugly. Crying.

"You know. I'm so glad that Kyle guy gave you a fake number. I'm so glad it was my number. I'm so glad that I got to see the real Mitch Grassi. The smart, caring, bold, sassy, loving Mitch Grassi. And I'm glad to call you my boyfriend." He grabbed a hold of my hand and looked me into my eyes, "But I'd love to call you something else... So, Mitchell Michael Coby Grassi, will you marry me?" I didnt trust my voice in that moment. I just nodded and collapsed into Scott's arms.

Any guy willing to deal with the secret I was keeping, the accusations we made, my busy schedule, just everything we've been through in these 8 months, deserves a "Yes."

I could feel Scott let out a breath of relief.

We pulled away just so Scott could slip the ring on and then we were hugging again. I am engaged. Whoa.


@mitchgrassi: I have some big news for you guys.

@TTXOfficial: Congratulations to our very own @mitchgrassi

@scotthoying: I am the happiest guy in the world rn.

@WyattBlue: Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying


Oh my sweet baby Jesus. I'm getting married. And to Mitch freaking Grassi. I think I'm living a fan fiction for real.


Short chapter because I'm heading to class and because I wanted to tease ya.

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