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My Baby ❤: I want to dye my hair!!! But like not rn

Scotty ❤: I'll stand behind u 1000%

My Baby ❤: I bet u would daddy 😏


I began coughing and choking. Was this Mitch's way of saying he wanted something more? Or was this his way of flirting.

I'll go with the latter.

"You okay?" I looked up to see Lauren hovering over my phone. I quickly hit the power button, so the screen would turn off. "Yeah. I'm great. J-Just checking when I should go over Mitch's house. Kirstie is supposed to be here in a few hours, so we decided to meet up there."

"Oh. Okay. Well make sure you bring them here so we can meet them too... Daddy." Then she ran off, giggling leaving me with my jaw on the floor.


Scotty ❤: omg my sister saw u call me daddy! She literally ran off after she called me daddy.

My Baby ❤: I mean that IS ur name now. But only I can call u that so set her straight.

Scotty ❤: ur no help. Shes gonna tell my mom! Omg or my dad! I gtg.


My dad took us out to eat and so far no one has mentioned the term daddy.

"I want to take a picture with all of us. Memories."

I was about to take the picture when Lauren spoke up, "Daddy on 3! 1..2...3.. DADDYY"

My family thought it was the joke of the century. I on the other was done. I took the picture and spent the rest of the meal on Twitter.


@scotthoying: its good to be back... Sorta. @LaurenHoying I hate u

@mitchgrassi: aww u didn't take me w/ u

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@mitchgrassi: aww u didn't take me w/ u. Now I'm lonely waiting on Kirstie. @scotthoying

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