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I'd like to thank @nicolefromtumblr for the help on this! She is a Queen! And her writing is AH-Mazing! So if you haven't already, go check out her 2 books!


"No need to be embarrassed. Masturbating is normal. I won't tell Scott... Well we won't." Kate added to the embarrassing situation.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask, trying to bring the conversation off of me.

"Oh! Kirstie suggested we watch a movie in your room." Kate said happily. I turned around and looked the mess I made on my bed then back to the girls. "I don't think my room is appropriate right-" I was cut off by Kirstie pushing the door openand walking inside. "Are you kidding?" I shriek.

"Its no biggie. It like we don't know what comes out of the male body.. No pun intended." Kirstie said as she caught herself.

"Who were you on the phone with?" She asked once she noticed my phone was still on and laying near my pillow.

"He was probably watching porn so he could get in the mood! Let him be!" Esther said as she pulled out a chair from the desk. "Maybe he was reading those weird fanfics!" Kate suggested, "Oooh. Maybe the Doctor series... Or-" "I was talking to Scott!" I blurt out then cover my mouth. Shoot!

I watched as the grins on each face grew.

"Scotty so Naughtyyyy." Kirstie teased. "You guys had phone sex!? De-tails!"

"Wait. We have to call Rozzi. She will flip!" Esther said.

"No!" They all looked at me. "S-Sorry. Its just really private."

"Yeah, well... Private enough that other hotel guest probably made noise complaints.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't think I was that loud...


"Hey Jake. Are you my Esther for today?" "Yep! Welcome to Belgium." He greeted.

"Great. Now I'm ready to sleep."


I got to the hotel and went straight to Mitch's room. I hadn't told Mitch I was here yet. 1.) Because he's onstage right now and 2.) I like surprises, even though he knew I'd be here.

I stripped out of my clothes and made my way towards his bed. His bed.

The bed he was in when I had called him.

Memories flooded my head. His moans. His panting. Him calling out my name..

I wish I had been there. To have seen it. Watching him writhing underneath me. Seeing his eyes roll back from the intense pleasure...

Okay Scott. That's enough.

I sighed, and looked at the problem in my pants. This was going to be a long night.

I heard the sound of a doorknob turning and realized someone was coming in.

"Scotty?" Mitch said confused, "SCOTTY!" he then added once it dawned on him why I was here. He ran to me and attached his small body to mine. He wrapped his legs around my waist as I made sure we weren't going to fall over.

"Some is happy to see me?" Mitch says as he smirks down at me.

"S-Sorry. I-" "It's fine. I'm just glad you're here. Now... Kiss me." Mitch ordered, something lacing is voice.

I tilted my head up and encased his lips in mine. My heart was beating so fast, I could hear it pulsing in my ears. Mitch's arms were still wrapped tight around my shoulders. I pulled Mitch as close as I could, trying to mold our two bodies into one.

I maneuvered my way back to desk that sat in his from and placed Mitch's small body down on top of the wooden desk that creaked once Mitch's weight was placed onto it.

My hands were pulling at Mitch's hair as he was leaving a trail of scratch marks down my back.

Mitch began moaning into my mouth. Fuck.

Mitch started to lift his shirt up and yanked it over his head, tossing it to the carpet. I started to unbutton his jeans with my hands shaking in the process. Mitch ran his cold hands over my bared chest greedily. As I got to the zipper, Mitch had slid himself closer and thrusted his cock against my hand, letting out the loudest and most desperate moan. "Scott. P-Please." He begged.

"Are you sure?" I ask, looking into his eyes. He nods as his bottom lip is pulled into his teeth.

It was happening. Wow. Holy-

"Okay." I pick Mitch up and bring him to the bed. He kicks his jeans off and is now sitting in front of me with only boxers on.

I crawled onto the bed and hovered over him then pulled him in for another kiss. As I made a path down Mitch's neck, his legs wrapped around my hips, making me bite down on his soft skin. Mitch let out a moan and I began to leave my mark. He started grabbing at my back, pulling me closer as he ground our hips together.

Our breathing got harder and harder. It got to be too much, so I pulled his boxers off and felt the heat of his body all over. "Off! T-Take 'em off." Mitch choked out. He grabbed the top of my boxers and began pulling at it. "W-Wait. Do you even have-" "Drawer!"

I got up, and went to his nightstand where I found a pack of unopened condoms and a travel sized lube bottle. "Someone was prepared!?"


Trailing my palms from Mitch's shoulders down his back, settling on his ass, I smacked it gently. Mitch let out moan, and bit at his fist. Smirking, I did it again, bringing my hand down harder. This time he whimpered, then I connected our lip into a quick kiss.

"Fucking hell." I let my hand spank him twice more then flipped Mitch over. He nodded, eyes half lidded in lust and hands balled up into the sheets, he panted out, "Inside me. Now. Pl-Please."

"Is that another order?" "Me begging. Please daddy. I want you!" He cried out.

I nodded as he turned and I readied myself. I watched as Mitch breathed out a steady whine as I pushed into his body, his head falling back against the pillow. His small hands grabbing onto my biceps. He was impossibly tight inside, especially with no prep. Mitch nodded his head, begging.

I had barely got all the way inside of him before he was making soft noises, scratching at my shoulders and back.

I was going hard and fast, kissing and swearing. Occasionally biting and panting. Sweating.

Mitch cried out a loud swear into the pillow beside him, and yelling out "Daddy" with each stroke.

"Fuck, Mitch."

I didn't realize Mitch was up against the bed frame until his hand shot up to grip it, keeping himself steady while I pushed in harder and harder. Mitch gasped as I hit his spot, "Right there. Ye-Yess. Harder! Daddy, go hh-arder." He said and bit into my neck. I had placed my hand on the wall behind him as I rammed into his small body, listening to each command. "Yeah baby, t-that's it. Doing so good." I breathed into his hair. Next thing, he was coming apart in my lap, cumming hard and sudden, his head hitting against the wall as he gripped the bed frame, knuckles turning white. "Oh fuuuuu- Scahht. J-Jesus!" He cried out.

Mitch got tighter and harder inside and I pounded him through his orgasm. As Mitch moaned out, I couldn't take it anymore.

I came inside Mitch with teeth scraping against his jaw, "Shit. Shit!"

Mitch bit and kissed at my neck nice and hard as I blew into the condom.
After we collapsed against each other we just lay there. "Wow..." I say out of breath.

"Yeah." Mitch replied as he cuddled close to me.

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