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Self promo: I may be starting a new book.
(Say whaaa!?)


I scrambled to get my phone from the floor and give my mom a quick goodbye before looking for Mitch's number in my call history.

One dial tone...

Two dial tones...


I rubbed my hand over my face, clearly frustrated. He needed to pick up the phone. He had to know the truth, not what he assumed to be happening.

Wow this seems familiar.

We really need to talk about things more.

I hung up and redial the number.

Waiting. More ringing. No answer.

Why is he so stubborn!?

I give up and try to text him.


"Mitch! What the hell happened to your phone?" Esther says as I go to to her and Jonathan, holding a busted phone. "Uhm. It dropped?"

She gave me that look. You know that squinty eye look that says 'I don't believe you but whatever'. "So are you telling us you need another phone?" Jonathan asked. "That or to get this one fixed." I say, shrugging. "You are something else." Jonathan said as he took my broken phone.

"Yeah, so I've heard..."


This was torture! I haven't had my phone for a week! I didn't know who could call me or want to get in touch with me. I could be missing great opportunities right now!

"Essieeeee! When will my phone get fixedddd." I whine in her ear, "Tomorrow." "Uggghhhhh. Why didn't you just get me a whole new phone!?"

"You wanted to get yours fixed..." She said nonchalantly.

"Go away."

She laughed and went back to her job.

"Kirstieeee, can I see your phone!?" I begged when I saw her walking by. "Why?"

"Because I need to check my Twitter... And I broke my phone." I admit, mumbling the last part. "Excuse me? Did I hear that right? You broke your phone?"

"Kinda? More like threw it and it shattered. Anyways can I check my stuff?" Kirstie sighed and handed over her phone.

I went on Instagram, I'm finally verified. Texted my dad, updating him on Scott and my phone situation. Then I checked Twitter. Best for last.

@InsertWittyUsername2: waiting on @mitchgrassi to tweet something like...

@InsertWittyUsername2: waiting on @mitchgrassi to tweet something like

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