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"Mitch! Mitch!"

It was faint, but I knew my name was being called.
Suddenly I was jerked awake.

I let out a loud gasp as I shot up from my nap. I took a look at my surroundings and realized that I had been asleep the entire time. We were still sitting in traffic in our Uber XL.

What the fuck...?

Are you telling me all that drama was a dream?

"Mitch, are you okay? Your eyes are leaking." Kirstie said from next to me. "Define okay..." I wiped the tears from my face, then shifted my body towards Kirstie, "I had the realest dream ever. It even went into another POV. I'm not sure what it meant but it was bad. I still feel the pain and heartache."

"What happened?"

I explained everything that happened in my dream and of course she had some type of input about what my subconscious mind was telling me.

Rolling my eyes, I looked out the window at the other people in their cars. I started to wonder how their live were. Did they ever end up in sticky situations like this?


After Jake called me, I rushed to set up a VIP lounge area close by the bar. We all know I need a few drinks in me before I let loose around new people.

I wondered who he'd bring since I pretty knew everyone because we had mutual friends. I didn't ponder too long since I needed to look my absolute best to impress these new friends.


By the time I was done applying all my hair products to get a nice wave going, it was time to head out. Before I left I shot out a quick text to Michael.

Scott: does my queen approve?

Michael: yes king! U look h*t.
Michael: should I be worried about u cheating on me

Scott: gasp! I'm no hoe.

Michael: idk ur life. 😂😂
Michael: where r u going though?

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