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Michael: *sigh* I can't sleep, love 😭
Michael: don't leave me up by myself.
Michael: helloooo
Michael: lonely. I am so lonelyy. I have nobodyyy. Not even my Scottyy.
Michael: seriously... WAKE UP!
Michael: imysm answer me *pouts* I'm cute when I pout.

Scott: I wouldn't know. Haven't seen ur face.


Drag me sis!


I unhooked my phone from the charger and decided I should call Michael to apologize about my crabby text.

"Hello? Scott? What're you doing calling so early?" He questioned, sounding panicked.

"Thought I should apologize for being rude when you texted. I didn't mean t-"

"Mitch! Why are you always on the phone? You have a song-" A voice said before it was cut off by another, "I'll be there Es! Just go!" "Ooh is that?"
Michael let out a sigh, "Yes. Now shoo!" There was commotion on the other line before the line went dead.


"You hung up not me." I pointed out. "Sorry Scotty. Can't talk. I accept the apology, just don't drag me again! Gotta go!" Then "Mitch" was gone again.
I groaned, it's too early for this.


[Scott has joined you to the group chat]

Scott: I just had a brilliant idea!

Taylor (?): spill

Scott: we can meet @ H²O!!!

Michael: no.

Taylor (?): busy these days... Can't.

Here we go, more excuses.

Scott: let me guess the band Michael/Mitchell is in, ur in it top?
Scott: omg too*

Taylor (?): oohh Scotty here is a top? 😏
Taylor (?): but yea M & I started the band.

"Geez Scott, you stay glued to your phone." Mario said laughing along with Naomi. "He doesn't enjoy our company anymore." She said.

"No no, its not that. I'm just talking with these two people who found my number... That doesn't sound like I wanted it...?" I said with a slight chuckle. "So you have 2 stalkers? Oh! Are these the people you tweet about." I nod in agreement, "Are you still suspicious of them" She asked, "Not as much. I went from thinking it was a psycho, to maybe this is my favorite male artist, to wow I'm dumb these are regular people."


"I hate to say this but, Scott is really easy to trick. I don't want to say he's a dumb blonde because that's offensive and I'm blonde at the moment but damn! This boy is living up to that stereotype girl!" Kirstie said to Kevin, Avi, Esther, and I. "When are you gonna do the big wig reveal?" Asked Avi, clearly making a joke out of this situation. "I'm not even sure I should anymore. K and I convinced him of our identities and there's no going back. It'll be horrible if he knew I was lying."

How did this little secret turn into this big mess?

"Maybe he'll be excited to know it was you the whole time." Esther suggested, "No! He is going to be pissed that I never told him in the months we've been talking. I should have told him when he asked me..."

"Guys, you have a live stream tomorrow to announce your tour with Tori Kelly this summer." Jake said, pulling us out of the dramatic topic of my Hannah Montana secret. Jake just started working for us last week and he's pretty cool. We don't know much about him yet, but so far everyone likes him and he works hard. The only thing I worry about is him finding out I was texting his best friends boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend.

"Hey guys!" We yell at once. "Glad to be here in front of you guys." Kevin started, "We have some big news!!"

I was busy watching the Tetratonix live stream when I saw Jake walk behind them. What the hell? Jake works for them? He didn't even think to tell me this!!

I was too caught up in Jake being there with the four people I admire that I almost missed the tour announcement. They are so hard working. It seems like they just had a tour. I mean they did but it only a few dates and that was four months ago.

I grabbed my phone and called up Michael.

While I was waiting for an answer Mitch's phone sounded off. He looked over to Kirstie showing her the caller. She took the phone and ignored the call. Wow, that person must feel pretty shitty.

Just as I thought that, Michael's voicemail came up.

I hung up and just texted him instead.

Scott: our talented babies TTX r going on tour w/ TORI KELLY!!! she is gawjussss


After the live stream ended I gave a sigh of relief. One, because Scott didn't try to call back. Two, he didn't mention the phone mishap. Then three, I'm just glad the stream was over.

I love connecting with the fans, but after lying to one for months now, it takes a toll on you.

"We should go out later!" Jake suggested. "I know this great place by my friends apartment, its called ! You guys will love it."

I watched as he pulled out his phone and called someone, "Hey girl. You know by your place? I wanted to bring a couple friends there tonight, you mind getting us a VIP lounge or something?" He paused for a reply, "Great! Uhm, we'll be there around 9:30-10. See ya there, and no he won't be there... You're going to like the people I'm bringing." And with that he said his goodbye and he focused back on us. "Okay. We're all set. We can meet up and I'll get an Uber XL..."

"Sounds like a plan!" Kirstie said and we all left our separate ways.

A club sounds like a good way to get my mind off of lying to Scott. I can meet a cute guy and hopefully he won't give me the wrong number leading me some other superfan.

We all were packed like sardines in the Uber XL. By the time we got to the club, we were anxious to get out.

When we entered, Jake went to the back to find his friend that was setting this up so he could introduce us. I was enthralled in the conversation with Kevin and Jeremy when Jake came back with...

Oh my god.


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