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I woke up with the worst hangover of my life. I was ready to rip my head off of my body but I don't think that would even help.

"Hey Mitchy..." I heard someone say softly from next to me. I squinted an eye open to see who the voice belonged to. Esther. "Go away." I closed my eye again and took the pillow that was next to me and placed it over my aching head. I felt the bed dip and knew she wasn't leaving until I got up.

"You have a tour meeting today. You need to be there no matter how bad you may feel. You should have thought about that before you decided to clean the bar out." Esther said as she rubbed my back. "And you might want to stay off of social media for a few days."

That grabbed my attention. I sat up, instantly regretted the sudden movement. "Shit." I hissed. Esther handed me a water bottle and some Tylenol. She's a blessing.

"Remind me why, I chose to do that? I feel like death." "I'm not sure why either. I left remember?" I really didn't remember. "I have no clue what happened after I pulled Scott to dance." Her eyes widened, "Mitch. Are you serious?! Oh my. This could be problematic." What did that mean? Is she kidding?

"Problematic? Essie, what happened?" I needed answers and quickly.

"Kirstin might be able to help... Kirstie!! Come here!" She yelled.

"Ow! Bitch." I groaned as I covered my ears. "Just because I took a Tylenol doesn't mean the headache magically disappeared the moment I took it." I sassed.

"Sorry. Sorry! I forgot." She said as Kirstie came into the room, which might I add, is not my own. I must be at Kirstie's house.

"What did I do Kirst?"

I watched as her face dropped. Oh no.

"You may have been really drunk and spilled out your secret. The secret..."

I gasped, "No!" "Yeah... Scott left after that."

Oh my god. I ruined everything. I'm never drinking again. What if Scott hates me? I gasp again as realization hits. He knows.

"Get out! Oh my god! Get out!!!" I shrieked.

They both rushed out the door, clearly confused at my outburst. I disregarded the pounding in my head and yanked my phone from the nightstand.

Mitch: Scott! We need to talk.
Mitch: I really need to talk

No reply.

He usually responds...


I went to my Twitter account, not minding the warning Esther had given me. I covered my mouth at my notifications. What the hell?


It was around 2:30 when my phone buzzed. I knew who it was. I didn't want to reply to him right now.

I was on my laptop looking through the pictures of Alex and Mitch... I know he was drunk and Alex is pretty crafty but I don't know what to believe. This could've been prior to the whole Michael ordeal.

The fandom was freaking out though, and my notifications were blowing up as well considering Alex was my ex and Mitch had publicly flirted with me. Everyone was curious to know my side of the story since an 'eyewitness' says I was there and we all had an argument... As you can see things get exaggerated to create more drama.


@alex_kirk: can u say bae? @mitchgrxssi

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