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It had been about two weeks since Mitch and I got back on good terms. Come to find out their publicist, Mark, had told him to get rid of me to clear the rumors that were going around.

No matter how much it hurt, I understood. He had to do what he thought would help the band and his career. I would've done that same thing... But I would've explained my reasoning first.

Any who, ever since our textualationship started to sail smoothly, we've been able to FaceTime a lot while he has down time. When he's in rehearsal Kirstie always seems to find a way into our conversation then completely take over. We wouldn't mind, but that occupies time they should be using to go over their music and choreo. Then that makes it seem like I really am a distraction so we hang up a few minutes later so they can finish up. Occasionally Mitch would set his phone up so I could watch the progress and let me sing along with them. Kevin had said my voice was pretty good, but he couldn't really tell because it was through a cell phone and not in person.

Not like I expected someone to be like "hey kid, you wanna join the band?" That my friends only happens in movies and weird fanfics, ha.


Jay: mitchy! Im bored.

Bey: well b*nch entertain urself. I'm resting my legs.

Jay: u dirty bum... 😷😷

Bey: excuse u? Do u want to run in2 my knife 10x?🔪

Jay: can't run into it, if I'm nowhere near u. Duh.

Bey: ..hmm💭💭
Bey: come 2 the studio, Scottland. 🎤🎶

Jay: they wouldn't mind? Wat about tht publicist guy? What if he kicks me out.. Wat if Avi/ Kevin do?

Bey: omg, shut up stupid. Just come!

Jay: driver roll up the partition plz. 😂😏

Bey: hand prints & good grips all on my ass 🍑

Jay: that's a fruit?

Bey: tht represents an ass Scott. Gosh.
Bey: u messed up the flow. Just meet us.

"The party has arrived!" I announce as I make my way to the back room where he said they were. "Hi Scott. Nice to see you again." Avi said as he went in for the bro hug as did Kevin.

Kirstie pounced on me as soon as Kevin pulled away. "Easy there, tiger. Don't break me."

"Sorry. I was excited! Last time I saw you in person you were upset with Mitch and I. So I decided to show you how happy I am that we are okay again." "Ah, I see." Chuckling, I pull her into a bear hug. "I want to join." A small voice said behind Kirstie. I peaked my head up and saw Mitch waiting his turn for some Scotty lovin.

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