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Scott looked at me confused. I had to make up something quick, "You know who I am?" He asked, "I-I.. Yeah. Twitter, remember?" I said which isn't a complete lie. I watched as a smile crept on his face. "I would've thought you'd forget all about little ole me." Scott admitted.

"Who can forget you? You're everywhere man!" Kevin laughed, "Especially your tweets to Mitchy here. Those don't go unnoticed."


Can I just say this was so awkward. I've been avoiding going near Scott so he wouldn't try to pry any questions out of me, well that and because we had so many things in common I was bound to slip up and give away who I was.

Currently I was at the bar staring at the liquid libations in front of me. "Wow, Mitch Grassi not having another drink?" A girl who came up to me said. "You look familiar?" "I'm Rozzi. I was with that Blondie you were so fond of a few months ago. I guess I am the OG Scomiche shipper.. I'm like the captain." She rambled. "I get it!" I said stopping her. "You posted that picture of us?" She nodded vigorously, "Now look at us. Two girls hanging by the bar waiting for a guy to-"

"Guys! Come dance with me!!" We both whipped our head towards the source and I instantly regretted it. "I'm fine." "No, no, no! I will go down with this ship! You're dancing with us Grassi!" Rozzi pulled me up and we moved to the dance floor.

I'm not drunk enough for this.


After a few minutes of dancing with Rozzi, I felt a body from behind me. I turned around and saw Kyle. I pushed him away from my body and started making a scene... Maybe I was drunk enough..

"How dare you! You tried to play me! You assho-" My words were cut of by me suddenly being pulled away from the prying eyes and Kyle.

When whoever was pulling me away finally got me to our table, I looked at the person. Scott. "Why did you do that?" "Because you were embarrassing yourself. I don't think you'd want your fans to figure out you almost got into a be fight." He aid laughing. "Shut up." Ugh... I need a drink. "Can you get me a vodka-tonic please." I pouted.

"Don't resist me. I'm using my pout. I'm cute when I pout!" I said. Soon Scott tilted his head and had some strange look upon his face, "Yeah.. So I've heard?" He said skeptically, "Let me go get the drinks..." Scott stalked off, and in was left alone with my thoughts. Did I do something wrong? Why did Scott look at me like that?

I turned towards the bar and scoped out the tall French Fry. He was leaning against the bar on his phone, staring at it like it was going to tell him something important. He looks like he's trying to crack a code or some secret. I laugh to myself until realization hits.

I texted that to Scott.

I threw out my phone and went through our messages. My stomach dropped when I found the message where I said that.

"I'm back." I jumped at the sound of another voice. "Sorry to scare you. What's so interesting on that phone of yours?" Scott said as he plopped down across from me. Before I could speak up, everyone came up to the table. "It felt like a sauna down there!" Avi said. "Too much body heat and sweat." Kevin added in the conversation. I think this is what people refer to as a saved by the bell moment?

"Kirstie just couldn't wait to come back to Mitch after he started arguing with some built guy." Jeremy confessed.

"You guys saw that?" Embarrassing.


As the night lulled on, we started talking about everyone's favorite thing to do. This was like a dream come true. Who gets to say they were hanging with Tetratonix in a lounge talking about hopes and dreams. As I was lounging around the VIP area I had set up, I thought about how awesome this would be to tell Michael.

I shot out a quick 'guess what I'm doing' text and waited for a response. As if on cue, Mitch's phone lit up... His eyes widened when he looked at the screen. I took a quick glance before he snatched it towards his body.

It was a text from someone with a 'S'

Scottland: ur nvr gonna guess wat I'm doing rn!

After my phone lit up, Scott hasnt taken his eyes off of my phone. I knew he was close to putting the pieces of the puzzle together by the way his face kept scrunching up. I wanted to cringe. This was going to be worse than me verbally attacking Kyle earlier and I don't think I'm ready.

Scott pulled out his cell phone again and tried to hide mine on the seat I was in.

Wait a second. He's not texting he's calling someone... He's calling me!

Everyone who was with us quieted their conversation and turned to me. Wondering why I wasn't answering the annoying ringing.

"You gonna get that Mitch?" Kirstie asked, unaware of the piercing blue eyes glaring into my soul.

"Yeah Mitchell, you gonna get that?" Scott said sharply.

I'm in deep shit.

Avi seemed to have caught on to the problem that was brewing, "Hannah Montana got her wig snatched." Then the rest of the band let out an 'Ohh' as for Rozzi and Jake, they were still left in the dark.

Scott hung the phone up and my phone stopped ringing. He hopped up from the table and maneuvered his way through the sweaty bodies.

"Go after him!" Esther shouted, and I was on my feet.

"Scott!" I finally caught up and reached out to grab his arm to make him hault. "Scott."

He turned around before I even had time to recoup. "What is it Mitch? Come to lie to me again?"

"I-I came to apologize. I didn't mean for it to be like this. I wanted to tell you believe me, I did... It-It just was never the right time to tell you.." I choke out, as tears well up in my eyes.

"Do you know how pathetic that makes me look? This whole time I've been talking to you?"

I went to speak, but no words came out. What was there to say?

"Exactly. I asked you, then would have been a perfect time to tell me!"

"But we had something special going on and I didn't want to ruin it when you found out.."

His face fell, "You thought I'd change because of who you were... Because I was a fan..." Scott shook his head, "Obviously we both played ourselves." With that, he was out the door.

Is this what it feels like to have your heart exposed to the elements just so someone can take it and crush it?

I found a wall and slid down it and started sobbing into my knees.

I was right. I knew this would happen. I lost Scott due to a dumb secret. This could've been avoided.
But no, I'm here... At a club... Crying over a guy who had every right to leave!

"Mitch! Mitch?" I heard a voice call for me.

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