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Oh my gosh! I honestly love you guys! I didn't think this story would catch on, but it has and I'm soooo Happy! Btw, I am going to start using certain usernames in this book (I did one last chapter) so if you see your name, that means I see your notifications the most at that moment.



@mitchie_moo35: @mitchgrxssi is a perfect little angel. *sigh*

@mitchgrxssi: thnx babe xx @mitchie_moo35 (love the name btw)


It's days like these when I love the fans we have. Being in an A Capella group has its ups and downs, this was an up. The fans treat me and the gang so wonderfully, that I wouldn't mind hugging each and every last one.. Is that possible? Never mind.

"Mitch, your phone keep dinging! Shut it up!" I hear as a pillow comes flying towards me from the other bunk. "Sorry Kev. It's probably Scott. He doesn't know we aren't in the same time zone anymore." I say as I maneuver my way through the tour bus to go get to my phone. "Well tell him you're on tour on the freaking East Coast and to stop blowing up your phone because your band mates need to sleep. My beauty rest is needed. I can't always look like a model like you." Kevin sassed.

"Aw, that's sweet." I move a piece of hair from the middle of my face to the side, "I hope you know, I love sassy Kevin. I need her around more."

"Goodnight HM." He says as he pulls his curtain closed.

I click my phone on and see I have 7 messages from Scott and 2 from Esther. Rolling my eyes, I check Esther's first. Knowing her its something stupid that couldn't wait until she saw me tomorrow. She acts as if she isn't on the other bus.

EstaRose: Make sure you & Kevin have everything you need off of the bus tmrw.
EstaRose: Cannot have a repeat of when Kevin left his cello & we had to replace it. Or you requesting to walk to the bus just to get your laptop.

Hey, you live and you learn!

Now I was on to Scott's messages;

Scooter: hey Mitchell
Scooter: imy
Scooter: hello?
Scooter: wtf r u doing? R u playing w/ urself?
Scooter: ooh u r!! Show me!!
Scooter: jkjk u know that rite?
Scooter: oh g*d... Where's the nearest exit. ✌

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