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More snaps as the night progressed

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More snaps as the night progressed. More tweets about how Scomiche was real. More fans following me on Twitter.

Then something new, family members started texting me about getting Mitch's autograph or could they visit just to meet him. It was nice knowing they needed me when they wanted something.


"So where is mommy sleeping?" Mitch asked. What? Before my brain could catch up to my mouth to give a logical explanation, words were already coming spilling out, "Waa- Sleep? Sleeping here?"
He looked amused, at my starstruck reaction. "Well yeah. You didn't think I'd come here just to hang out for a few hours? We're gonna have a sleepover Sis!"

"Sleepover. Right. Yeah... Duh!" Oh my god, Scott shut up. "Y-You can sleep with me." "Nice to know that offer stands." "Nooo, not like that. Like... Like actual sleeping... Not saying I don't want to sleep with you, it's just- Oh my Lord. What am I saying? Bed. My bed. Down the hall.. We can share? Okay? Sound fine?" Mitch stared at me before bursting with laughter. "Sounds fine." He replied then made his way down my hallway.

Mitch Grassi was staying at my apartment.

I wanted to shout from the roof of my building, but I think that would be a little extra and uncalled for. So I took to Twitter and chose something that wasn't too obvious.

@scøtthøying: sleepovers


Should I be spending the night with Scott? Probably not. Am I still going to do it? Of course.

Mitchell: Kirst... I'm in his room 😊

KT: WHAT?! wyd there?

Mitchell: I'm staying the nite. Then he's dropping me off at rehearsal tmrw. Hes sweet right?! 😁

KT: can we switch bfs?? U can have Jeremy! I want a Scott! Lol

Mitchell: well find a Scott. Scott Hoying is already taken... By me. A flawless Queen.

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