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I was having a relatively good time until I saw a mop of blonde hair coming my directed. I turned my back and braced for impact..

"H-Hi, are you Mitch Grassi?"

I spun around and plastered a fake smile on to my face.

"Yep. That's me." Oh my gosh, who was I? Raven-Symone. The blonde was even more perfect in person. Pictures definitely don't do him justice.

"Is it okay if I got a picture with you?" He asks as he pulls put his phone, automatically assuming I'd say yes. Rude. Not every celebrity is entitled to say yes to a picture. Maybe I wanted a chill night with friends and not get hassled by my friends ex. Guess we don't always get our way.

"Sure. Uh, selfie or what?"

Just as I put the question in the air, Scott was walking by but backtracked and came over to me and Alex, eyeing the both of us.

"So what's going on here?" He finally asked, "Nothing. Just taking a picture with Alex."

He then turned to face Alex, raising an eyebrow. "You don't even like Tetratonix." Alex shrugged, "But hey, he's cute. Can't pass up the chance to talk to a cute boy. You should know that. Oh wait, you haven't even seen the guy." He retorted.

What was I stuck in the middle of?

"Are you still upset about the fact I didn't have to be shallow like you to go for someone based on looks?"

My eyes widened. "I'm gonna go..." I hurried off to the bar, desperate to have a distraction.


Uh, he never told me his name was Alex.


More drinks!


"Kirss! Let's dance!" I say as I stumble to the table where all my friends resided.

"Sweetie, you've been dancing non-stop since your 5th drink. I think it's time to stop." Kirstie said politely. "Fiine. I'll take Scotty over-r you any day. Scooter, let's dance!" Before Scott can even reply, I pull him up and drag him away from the confines of the VIP lounge. "I waant another drink b-before we start!" "Think you've had enough for the both of us, Mitchy."

"Ya know. I l-liked it when you alled me that." "Do you mean called?" Scott asked, "I'm pretty sore I said that." Scott was dumb.

"Right. Yeahhh. Uh, dancing! That's what we, I mean, you came to do." Scott said. I started laughing, "Y-You made song references! Slay babe." "Are you sure you should be on the dance floor? You're hammered right now.." "I'm fiiine! Let's work this floor hunty!" As if on cue, Work by Rihanna came on. I am such a Rihanna stan, she's my Woman Crush Wednesday forever. "Sc-cortyyy! I love this song! Come on!" I pull him deeper into the crowd and pause when I find the perfect dance spot. "You dance too. And not like a damn noodle."

As RiRi was chanting 'work, work, work' I was trying my best to be sexy and seductive while grinding on Scott, which isn't that hard apparently... Omg that sounded sooo wrong. Mitchy stop it.

Aww Mitchy, Scott called me that once after I almost came clean about my identity.

Hold up... He's grinding on me too!


I reach an arm back to grip his head and the other grabs his arm to wrap around my waist.

Can I just say, this wasn't how I pictured the night going but I don't mind.


The night progress into the early morning hours and Kirstie and Jeremy had joined Scott and I on the floor while some of the other headed out, aka Esther, Kevin, and Avi.

"Y-Ya know Noodle. I'm glad we can finally do tis in person." I admit. He chuckles behind me and I realize how close our bodies are. I turned around in his arms and for the first time tonight, looked into his eyes. "It's funny how I ended up in such a crazy situation. Hiding my iden-identity and everything." I laughed, "I think I took the Han-nnah Montana thing reaalllyyy far, Scottney." I watched as Scott srunced his face in confusion.

"You have no clue..." The words kept flowing out and there was no way of stopping myself. It was like that scene in Mean Girls where Cady just spit out whatever she was thinking, like word vomit.


Mitch kept rambling and stuttering out his words. It was hard to figure out some words, but I got there. I'm really good at figuring things out.

The things he was admitting were quite confusing though. He said stuff about hiding his identity and glad he could do this in person? I think he's had way to much to drink. There should be a maximum of drinks he can have.

"I'm having a Cady moment!" He said randomly. "What do you mean?"
"I keep saying shit I don't want to say. Like really, I keep talking about me being Michael and-" Wait! He was Michael? I noticed he was still going on so I decided to stop him.

I placed a finger to his lips and he looked at me like a deer in head lights.

"You! You're the person I've been texting and calling?"

He nodded. "It wasn't ssupose.. Supposeded? Supposed!! It wasnt supposed to get that far." He admitted.

I didn't know whether to be excited or angry over the news so I opted with standing there trying to soak everything in.

Mitch Grassi was Michael...

Then everything made sense.

His slip ups, his name not coming up, the fact he chose his Middle name as a cover, the similar text patterns... Why was I so stupid?

So if Michael was Mitch... Taylor is.. "Kirstie."

Kirstie stopped dancing and tilted her head, "Yeah?" "You. Its you isn't it?"

"I'm not catching on here? Who am I?" She giggled. "You're Taylor aren't you!"

She sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry Scott."

I backed away from Mitch's- Michael's, whoever's grasp. I can't believe this.

"Scotty. Say something... A-Are you mad at me?" Mitch asked, pouting. "I-I just need to process this. I'm gonna go." With that I left out of the club and went home.


Mitch Grassi was Michael.

Kirstin Maldonado was Taylor...

I had fangirled with Michael.

I had exposed myself to him and this is what happens.

And Taylor. She knew all along and decided to join in!? Was this some type of sick joke they had?


"Mitchell. What happened?" Kirstie asked me once Scott practically sprinted out the door.

"I think I made a mistake..." I sighed

"He knows now."


So uhm sorry this is super late. I had no time to finish it while I was in New York. Then when I did, I came up with the worst chapter ever! I honestly have no idea what I wrote for the first 300 words.

Sorry if this isn't what you expected. 😶😶

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