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"These songs are beautiful." I say once I'm done recording the two songs. "I can't wait to hear the finished product. " You will... Along with the other Tetraholics." Mitch teases. "I have to wait!? Whyyyy?" "Because we still need Avi's vocals. Duh." Kirstie said. "Right. Its not Tetratonix without Avi."

"Maybe we should be Pentatonix for the day!?" Kevin joked. "Not a bad idea..." Jonathan added.

My eyes widened, "What?"

"Yeah, we'll talk it over with the big guys up at the record label and see what they think. You'll be on standby." Jonathan said then pulled out his phone and left the room.

Is this a dream? Am I still asleep in Mitch's bed? I must be, right? This isn't happening?

"Scott! Did you hear that? Jonathan is gonna talk with the board about you joining us!" Kirstie said. "It'd be cool to work with you. Gotta hear those riffs in person!" Kevin added, "Riffs? Who have you been talking to?" "A little birdy named Rozzi."

"Remind me to kill her." I turned to Mitch was has been quiet ever since Jonathan's news. I went over to where he was sitting on the couch. "What's wrong? You seem upset." "Is it that obvious?"


"Uhm attitude much? What did I do now?"

"Uh-oh. More trouble in paradise?" Kevin said, "No pants off dance off tonight..." Kirstie gasped, "You read those books too! Oh my god!" Kirstie squealed, "We have so much to talk about!" She said, dragging Kevin out the room.

"I don't even want to know what they've been reading." I say shaking my head. I then put my focus on Mitch, "So what's the problem?" He sighed and looked down at his fingers. "Mitchy."

"You're gonna hate me." "That could never happen and you know that." I watched as he sighed again, "It's stupid. I don't even know why I'm upset over it. You're amazing. It's a good opportunity for you... I'm being selfish. I hate myself. What kind of boyfriend am I? Oh my God," he gasped, "am I crushing your dreams? Don't leave me because of this! I take everything back!"

"Whoa Mitch. Slow down! What are you even talking about?! Crushing my dreams? Being selfish?" I question. He nodded, "I-I.. Well..Okay. I may sound selfish but I don't how I feel about you joining the group..."

Oh. There it is.

"Not that it doesn't sound nice, because it does! It sounds wonderful... Its just.. Me and Kirstie worked so hard to get where we are. We started this ya' know. Then Kevin and Avi came into the picture and we became one big family... I don't want to change that. At least not right now." Mitch admitted.

Yeah it hurt, but at least he was telling me the truth.

"Scott say something."

"Right. Sorry. Uhm, I don't know what to say to be honest." That much was true. "How about we see what the board says then we can talk about it again. You and me." I say. "Okay.."

"So are you better?" I ask, "Yeah. I'm sorry Scotty." "Its totally fine. You guys started the group, who am I to just come in and change the dynamics." Mitch laid his head in my lap, "Maybe I'm wrong. What if you are the one to bring us to the next level? Like Grammy's and better show venues, TV appearances, the whole 9." "Hey, don't stress over this. Que Sera, Sera."

"Was that a Hannah Montana joke?!" Mitch said, sitting up quickly."


@TTXOfficial: remember this? @mitchgrassi

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