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@scotthoying: last night before we're home in my bed.

@MitchsFiance: home in YOUR bed? Scott what does that mean?! :o

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@MitchsFiance: home in YOUR bed? Scott what does that mean?! :o

@singforeverxo: ha-ha. This is a joke right?!

@scomichealert: well.


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I was at the table with Kirstie and Esther, nursing a drink when I saw Mitch and Jake dancing. They were jumping and whipping their heads back and forth. It was a sight to see to be honest. I was glad he was having fun and letting loose.

"Oh my god! You go and dance with him! We're tired of you making googly eyes." Esther said. "Nah, I don't want to ruin his fun. He and Jake seem to be enjoying themselves without my presence." I saw Kirstie roll her eyes, "Yeah. Okay Hoying. I'm getting another drink, Esther come with." Kirstie said standing up and pulling Esther along with her.

I'll never understand girls.

"Scotty! Come dance with me." Mitch says slightly out of breath. Damn, he sounds sexy...

"Well thank you." I heard Mitch say as he laughed. Oops. "Just come on. One song." Mitch bribed. "Fine." I stood up and followed Mitch to the dance floor. Sex With Me by Rihanna came on and I almost died. I looked over to Mitch who was smirking. He planned this. I saw him wink over to the DJ booth and that's when I saw Kirstie and Esther leaving the booth with smiles on their faces.

"Scotty. I'm over here." Mitch said as he pulled me closer to him.


I'm gonna pass out.


The song was almost over and I was ready to take Mitch in front of all these people. "Scotty? Do you wanna get outta here?" Mitch said as he looked up at me with innocent eyes. He didn't have to ask me twice. I grabbed a hold of his wrist and dragged him through the crowd if never ending bodies. "My bag!" "I'm sure Kirstie will get it."

We got a taxi and made the journey back to our hotel. The ride was silent. Our body language doing all the talking.


"Remember when I offered to do a private performance?" Mitch asked once he entered the room. "Yeah?" "Good." With that he took his bag and went into the bathroom. Okay, what the hell?

A few minutes later he came back out in his boxers... Okay?

"Sit back and watch." Don't know if I'll be able to do that, but I'll try. Mitch took put his phone and started playing Skin by Rihanna... Fuck me.

Oh god. Oh god. He's dancing!

By the time the song was over I got up off the bed and picked him up, his legs wrapping around me.

"Did you like my dance, daddy?" He asked as he bit his lip. "Daddy is gonna show you how much he liked your dance." I tossed Mitch lightly on the bed, he squealed in the process, "Yay. I like when Daddy shows me how much he likes me."

After Mitch was preped, he began begging out for satisfaction. "Please" he whined out.

I could feel him jump beneath my palm, God his skin was soft and warm, so willing against my touch The shivering, moaning and gasping as he writhes on the bed. I lean down and kiss him, then trail my lips down his neck, nipping and licking my way down. Nibbling the sensitive skin just below his ear, he let out a groan, "Scott. P-Please. Need. I need you."

Without another thought, I plunged into his sensitive heat. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, grazing the bitten and bruised, sweat sheened flesh. "You gonna scream for me?" I growl into his ear. I grip Mitch's hair and yank his head back, causing him to yelp and moan until I give a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "God. Oh god."

"F-Faster." He whimpers out, nails digging into my arms as I thrust into him, his hips pounding along hard enough to press bruises onto his already littered skin. "Please, Daddy. P-Pleasee!" Mitch cooed, as he hooked an arm around my neck as his back arched. I was going at a slow pace slow and deep, drawing out each thrust as if we had all the time in the world.

There was a warm rush of pleasure that built in my gut, as Mitch twisted and struggled to get me to move faster, but I stop. My name rolls off his tongue in an agonized whimper, leaving his lips parted as he panted. I kiss the top of his head, and wait until he's calmed down before pulling back out and pushing back in. "Fuuuck. Mitch. Shit." My nails digging into his hips, I took one hand and started stroking him. "Ooh, Sc-Scotty!"

I push Mitch down into the mattress and his grunts and moans leaving his mouth and being drowned out by the pillow, his back arching as he fisted the sheets. "Sshit!" "You like that baby? Hmm." "Y-Yes. More please, daddy, more!" He begged until he practically mewling, jaw slack in pleasure. "Damn it..." I groan, gasping when Mitch backs up on me.

"Fuck!" I scream, writhing and bucking into him. "Unghh" "Oh come on, kitten" I start, "I know you can do better than that." Mitch cried out in pleasure as he tilted his head back, bits drool threatening to drip down his chin, "Daddy, Daddy! Yes. Please fuck me. Use me!" Grunting, I grab at his hips and guide him to work against my cock, the pace vicious and unpitying, His legs begin to shake from the intensity of it all.

"You're close, fuck," I say through my teeth, trying to postpone my own orgasm, unwilling to let the pleasure end. "Cum for me, Mitchy."

His toes curled and his fist hit the bedding. I watched as his mouth hung open in pleasure. "That's it, baby..." I let out before letting myself go, hissing a low groan as I buck and spasm against him in final throws of ecstasy.

Our bodies lie limp in the sheets as we try to catch our breath.


Guys! I started school yesterday AND I got a call saying I got the job I had applied for. That being said, I am not sure how much time I will have to write and update. Sundays seem to be my only known rest day and idk how much I can write in one day. So just giving you a heads up in case you don't see any updates.

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