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"I knew it Mitchy!" My mom said.

"Okay. I'm going to bed. See you all in the morning before we leave." I pushed my chair back and made my way to my safe haven.

Girls cannot be trusted at this point.


"What the hell, guys!?" "Scott. There are children." My dad said. "Yeah, but talking about a daddy kink is appropriate." I rolled my eyes amd stood up from the table, "I'm gonna check on Mitch."

As I peaked into his room, I saw Mitch curled on his side. "Hey buddy." I say as I walk over to him.

He turned towards me and sighed, "How badly did I just screw up?" "Not at all."

"I'm sorry for causing a scene. It was awkward, ya know?" "Oh, I know. Believe me."

I lay down facing Mitch, taking in our moment of silence.

"I cant wait until you see our final rehearsal tomorrow. You're gonna flip your shit." Mitch said.

"Can't wait. I'll be that one supportive boyfriend that is always cheering their baby on no matter what and no matter where." I kissed the tip of his nose as he crinkled it. "Stop acting like that. Let me love you." "Ew. No. Cooties."

"Don't make me tickle you."

He let out an audible gasp and scooted to the edge of the bed. "There's no getting away."

I pull him closer to me and begin tickling him.



KT: stop moaning!! There are children present!

Mitch: Scptt is tickling ms.

KT: oh. Hence the spelling errors. Well. I'll tell the parents u aren't having sex up there.

Mitch: thts what the thought

KT: yep yep. They thought u 2 were having frustrated and angry sex. 😂😂😂

Mitch: hot but no. I'm going 2 kill Scott..

KT: what was that thump?

Mitch: Scott falling off the bed.
Mitch: well being pushed off the bed.
Mitch: no more Scotty's laying in my bed 😁

KT: omg. His parents are looking @ me bcuz I'm laughing so hard. Should I tell them ur abusing their son up there??

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