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Mitchy: Scott. I need to call you.

Did I screw something up? Why does he need to call me now? He just went to his meeting?!

I help the device in my hands, going over all the possibilities that would make him need to speak with me. It had to be horrible, whatever the reason... Right?

Scotty: k.

What else am I supposed to say? I'm not thrilled he wants to call me. Not saying I don't want to hear his voice, but I feel like he's delivering bad news.

My phone was alerting me that I had an incoming call but I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to know my fate... I took a deep breath to try to calm my heart rate then answered the phone, "H-Hello?" I said, my voice cracking in the process. Wow must be going through puberty again.

"Hey Scotty... I.. I need to say some things to you." Mitch started off, he didn't sound like himself. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Something doesn't sound right." I replied.

"Scott. I," he sighed, "I don't know how to say this..." "Say what?" "We can't do this anymore."


"Do what? Text? Call each other? Be friends?" Where was this all coming from? We were on the same page not too long ago. What the hell changed his mind. "Why are you doing this?" I heard his sniffle then take a long breath, "I can't be friends or anything more with a fan. That is unfair to the others. You are also a distraction." "Are you kidding?" "No, I-I need to focus... Focus on the group and what is best for us. What's best for us is me and you not communicating any longer..."

He was ending this...

Just like that. Cool. Swell.

"Wow. That's nice. Put me in the middle of this circus and for what? Just to call to end whatever this was?" "I didn't mean to hurt you." "I'm a lot of things right now. Hurt doesn't even come close to what I am. Just glad you had the decency to call instead of texting. And I'm also glad it wasn't in person because my reaction would be way worse."

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Scott." Mitch said.
"Ugh! Stop saying sorry. G-Goodbye Mitch."

And then the line was dead... I hung up.


"Are you fucking happy?" I yelled as I slammed my phone down on the hard wooden table. "You better be because now he hates me!" I say on the verge of tears, "The person I truly care about, the person I willingly let into my life, the person I actually trusted, hates me." I shook my head.

I can't believe I let this happen. How did this happen?


We were in tour rehearsals and I was not in the mood. Even listening to Consideration and Work from Home wasn't cheering me up.

Stupid Alex. Stupid articles. Stupid publicist!

"Mitch. A-Are you ready to go over the steps again?" Avi asked me, "Uh yeah. Just a sec." I checked my Twitter to see if anything new had come up in the last hour or so. Nothing. So I sent out a tweet and stared some more.

"You keep checking your phone. What's up MG?" Kevin said, catching on to the tight grip I had on my cell phone. I sighed and stood up from the corner I was in, "Nothing Kurvy." "Okay let me ask again... Mitch, what is wrong?"

A tear fell from my eye, I wiped it away as quickly as it came. "It's got to deal with Scott."

"Oh boy." Avi said as he and Kevin sat down on the wood panel flooring. "What happened? What did he do? Is this about Alex?" Kirstie asked talking a mile a minute. I shook my head. "I guess you could say it's about Alex... You guys know those two articles about me being horrible for having 2 guys or me cheating on Scott..." They all nod, "Well Mark didn't think me having all the negative attention was a good thing." "I mean it's not?" Kevin spoke up.

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