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Happy Easter!!!

Also it lowkey took forever to make that picture at the end lol


"Mitch. Stop moping around. Text the poor guy." Kirstie said. "No. If he wanted to talk to me he would." I say as I curl into myself in her bed. "Maybe he's doing the same thing as you. Waiting." That makes a little sense. He did reply to my indirect tweet so he wasn't ignoring me.

I sigh, "I'll think about it Kirst. For now can you let me be?" "How about no. You need to get your ass up." "Why?" I whined, "Because one, we have rehearsals and two, you need to get over yourself. You chose to tell Scott you couldn't be friends... Boyfriends.. I don't know? Whatever." Kirstie said truthfully. "Ugh. I know. Don't remind me that I messed up a good thing." I say as I throw the blanket over my head, trying to escape reality.

I wish my my bed could swallow me whole.

"It wasn't your fault. Blame Mark for even bringing it up. I feel like the fans would get over the rumors once you set the record straight." "Where the hell were you during this meeting I had. You could've been so helpful."


"Scott Richard Hoying. I swear I will do the ice bucket challenge on you if you don't put your phone down!" Rozzi said as she entered into my living room. "He's obviously not going to text you." Mario added. "You text him!"

"What? Me? Why me?" I question. "Aw, she's nervous?" Justin said.

"No. Just smart. I'm not gonna text him just to get rejected again." "You'll never know unless you try." "Thanks fortune cookie." I sassed.


I couldn't text him first. He was the one who called us off therefore he should text me if he wants me back in his life. Isn't that how it works?

I give up. This was too stressful. It's like my life revolved around this one guy.


"Scott. Are you even paying attention to us?" Rozzi asked.

I shook my head, deciding to be honest with them. They all looked at each other and nodded. Scrunching my brows together, I looked at each one of them curiously. What were they up to? My eyes grew as I thought about them doing what Alex did.

"Get the phone!" Yelled Justin as he and Rozzi leaped towards me on my couch.

Letting out a feminine shriek, I threw my phone across the couch. "Mario! Grab it!" Then just like that, my phone was in Mario's hand and he was typing in my passcode.


Remind me to change my passcode and not tell anyone.


Scott: hey Mitch. I just wanted to say no matter what, you are on my mind.

I snatched my phone out of Mario's grasp and looked at what he had just done.

"Why!? You're going to make me sound like some desperate stalker!!!"

Oh my gosh. This was horrible. Mitch is probably laughing his ass off with the rest of Tetratonix about how pathetic I am. Probably saying I couldn't even go a full day without texting him... Even though it wasn't me who sent the text, they didn't know that.

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